17:00 - 19:00
Church of Utiel. The history since its construction
Culture on Campus. Debate Church of Utiel. The history since its construction With the participation of: Ester Alba...
18:00 - 19:30
La Retirada. El exilio republicano
Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives Series Fòrum de Debats [Discussion Forum] Colloquium to mark the publishing...
18:30 - 00:00
Dones i resistència. València, 1931-1939'
The Cultural Centre of Gandia will host the exhibition "Dones i resistència, València 1931-1939" (Valencian for...
18:30 - 00:00
Pilar Coll Alas i les seues coetànies a Gandia
'Pilar Coll Alas i les seues coetànies a Gandia' (Valencian for Pilar Coll Alas and her camrades in Gandia) is a bet to...
19:00 - 20:30
Cultura als Campus Programació teatral a la Sala Palmireno Curs 2021 / 2022 22/02/2022 - 19.00h RESET
19:00 - 20:30
As You Like It, by William Shakespeare
La Nau Theatre ‘As You Like It’ by William Shakespeare, performed by TEADA. ‘As You Like It’ was...
Workshop. Dance, video, public space and social media. Open enrollment
Aimed at people with or without previous dance experience, with an interest in movement and a desire to experiment with their body in public...
00:00 - 22:59
25th edition of Mostra art públic / universitat pública: project presentation
In 2022, the 25th edition of the Mostra art públic / universitat pública, an initiative of the Office of the Vice-Principal for...