11:00 - 19:00
'Activistes per la vida', de Gervasio Sánchez
Exposició del fotoperiodista Gervasio Sánchez, a la sala de la Muralla del Col·legi Major Rector Peset. El Col·legi Major Rector Peset...
18:00 - 19:30
Memorias divididas, memorias enfrentadas
Conference Divided Memories, Confronting Memories. The memory of communism in Russia and Central Europe. Given by
19:00 - 20:30
Cultura als Campus Programació teatral a la Sala Palmireno Curs 2021 / 2022 22/02/2022 - 19.00h RESET
19:00 - 20:30
Belén Roig, soprano. Aida Velert, piano
Winter Concerts 2022 Performers: Belén Roig, soprano Aida Velert, piano Authors: P. Viardot, N....
19:00 - 20:30
La Nau Theatre 'Marina' by Teresa Balló and Alejandra Garrido. Performed by La Extranjera Teatro. Paula is a...
ACTIVA FEST is a contest aimed at financing activities that are part of the schedule of Festivals with cultural or artistic content organized by...
Workshop. Dance, video, public space and social media. Open enrollment
Aimed at people with or without previous dance experience, with an interest in movement and a desire to experiment with their body in public...