09:00 - 14:00
Are you interested in art? Sign up for 'Sabers tentaculars' and learn at the Mostra art pública
'Sabers tentaculars' is an initiative by a sprawling group of students eager to explore the relationships between disciplines present in...
18:00 - 20:00
Valencian Autonomy and the development of public health
40th Anniversary of the Statute of Autonomy of the Valencian Community Debate "Valencian Autonomy and the development of...
19:00 - 00:00
“El país que va fascinar Jean Dieuzaide” Exhibition
The Tossal Hall of the Gandia International Centre hosts the exhibition “El país que va fascinar Jean Dieuzaide” (Valencian for...
19:00 - 20:30
Lo otro: The concert By Anto Rodríguez I call all that which surrounds an anecdote and which is made up of its...
19:30 - 21:00
Genius, madness and creativity
Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives Madness at La Nau. Reason and unreason at the seat of sapience (Locos en La Nau....
Escola Coral La Nau. 2022-2023 academic year. Open enrolment
The Escola Coral La Nau...
Entrance tests for the UV Philharmonic Orchestra
The Universitat de València has opened the period of incorporation of new musicians to its Philharmonic Orchestra. To join the orchestra,...
Master's Thesis Cultural Heritage I Edition of the Final Master's Project Award related to the cultural, natural and scientific...
Open registration for the entrance exams of the Orfeó Universitari de València
The Orfeó Universitari de València (OUV) has opened the registration period for the entrance exams for new choirmasters. Those...
Theatre Group Level 1 and 2. Recognised with 1 ECTS credit. Open Enrolment
The Performing Arts Club has among its objectives to promote theatre and dance and to bring it closer to the university world, thus broadening its...
Dance Group (Level 1 and 2-Contemporary Dance). 2 ECTS credits. Open Enrolment
The Level 1 Dance Groupis aimed at: university students of any degree and the general public. The Level 1 workshop lasts for the...