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Cartel de la conferencia 'Europa y la Salud: una nueva era'.
Conference ‘Europe and Health’. Registration open

The Office for Relations with the EU and the State of the Generalitat Valenciana is organising, in collaboration with the Universitat of València, the conference 'Europe and Health: a new era', in the Spanish framework of citizen enquiries on the future of Europe.

From Europe Direct Comunitat Valenciana, the university community is invited to participate in this debate, in which all the contributions of the participants will be taken into account and forwarded to the EU.

This activity is aimed at both students, as well as PAS and PDI, especially those interested and/or related to studies and research in Health Sciences.

Free registration is required in order to attend.

All the information about the conference can be followed on social networks through the hashtag #ElFuturoEsTuyo (#TheFutureIsYours)


Date 27 october 2021 at 16:30 to 19:00. Wednesday.


Centre Cultural La Nau (c/ Universitat 2, València)

Organized by

Europe Direct Comunitat Valenciana (GVA)

Conference on the Future of Europe


Universitat de València

Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Deporte UV

Fundació General de la Universitat de València.



Contact europedirect_pre@gva.es

More information