09:30 - 15:30
1st International Conference on Gender and Sexuality in Spanish Cinema
The 1st International Conference on Gender and Sexuality in Spanish Cinema is proposed as a space for interdisciplinary debate to...
19:00 - 21:00
Depopulation, struggle and deep-seatedness
Despoblación, lucha y arraigo Miradas desde las narrativas contemporáneas (“Depopulation, struggle and...
Course offerings on art and related subjects (2022-2023)
The Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València has published the new...
The union elections for 2022 will take place until 1st December. On 5th September, the election notice was received from several...
‘Advocacy Theatre Workshop: making drama to change the world’. Registration now open
The aim of the workshop is to work, from the English language, on applied theatre techniques with communities, where plays are created...
Stevia: The Sweet Panacea? OPENING: Wednesday 16 November, at 11:00 a.m. Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Nursing...
1st International Conference on Gender and Sexuality in Spanish Cinema
The 1st International Conference on Gender and Sexuality in Spanish Cinema is proposed as a space for interdisciplinary debate to...