08:30 - 20:30
Activa Cultura Projecte premiat amb l'ajuda de la III ed. Activa Cultura ¿Puedo ir al baño?
09:00 - 20:00
Pedagogial transition: sciencie, experience and freedom
Pedagogical Transition is an exhibition that explores the mobilisation of a new democratic culture through science classrooms. It focuses on...
10:36 - 00:00
Aula oberta d’escriptura creativa
Amb una metodologia pràctica i participativa, els tallers de l’Aula oberta d’escriptura creativa de la Universitat de...
18:30 - 20:00
Conversem amb Javier Daulte Dramaturg, director i guionista argentí L'art de l'actuació: La invenció...
19:00 - 20:30
Autumn concerts 2024 Performers: Capriccio Trio David Fons, viola David Appellániz, cello
Pre-registration for the Choral School of La Nau (UV)
The Choral School of La Nau (UV) has opened the enrolment period for new students for the 2024-2025 academic year. The...
Registration for auditions of the UV’s Philharmonic Orchestra 2024-2025
The OFUV is looking for percussionists, violinists, viola players and double bass players. In order to join the university orchestra,...
REGISTRATION Escena Erasmus 2024-25
Escena Erasmus is a groundbreaking...
Call for Master’s Degree Final Projects related to heritage
Call for Master’s Degree Final Projects related to cultural, natural and scientific...
Autumn Concerts The Music Club of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society of the Universitat de València...
Teatre al Centre Cultural La Nau
Programació Aula d'Arts Escèniques L’Aula d´Arts Escèniques de la UV manté una...
Adreçat a AlumniUV Premium / AlumniUV Basic / Públic en general Inscripció,
Neurona FEST Dissemination of youth culture through ICT Neurona FEST is a festival with the desire to transmit knowledge. It...