09:00 - 20:00
Pedagogial transition: sciencie, experience and freedom
Pedagogical Transition is an exhibition that explores the mobilisation of a new democratic culture through science classrooms. It focuses on...
18:30 - 20:00
50 years of the April Revolution: history and memory
Conference 50 years of the April Revolution: history and memory In charge of Ana Sofia Ferreira, New University of...
Call for Master’s Degree Final Projects related to heritage
Call for Master’s Degree Final Projects related to cultural, natural and scientific...
Autumn Concerts The Music Club of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society of the Universitat de València...
Teatre al Centre Cultural La Nau
Programació Aula d'Arts Escèniques L’Aula d´Arts Escèniques de la UV manté una...
Cultura a escena Entrevistes sobre el patrimoni cultural i natural Talller de creació audiovisual social i...
AJORNAT. XXVII Mostra art públic / universitat pública
La Mostra art públic / universitat pública és una iniciativa que pretén transformar l’entorn universitari en un...
To Lie on Research Call II EDITION OF THE PROGRAMME TO LIE ON RESEARCH The purpose of this call is to...