Project awarded the grant for the 3rd edition of Activa Cultura
Activa Cultura
Call for submissions of artistic projects from students of the UV
Collectivising the city and memory
3, 5, 10 and 16 July 2024
17:00 to 19:00
Held by
Paula Benavent and Aroa Muñoz
Women and non-binary individuals. Maximum 15 persons.
This workshop was born out of the need to create a meeting space to collect our stories through concrete places in the city where we hold memories that have affected us. Through different methodologies, such as conversation, literature, images or fiction we hope to compile an archive of different experiences from populations at the margins of society, different social classes, genders, sexualities and ethnicities, to hopefully show that they have more in common than previously believed.
City life as modern subjects produce rhythms that can provoke feelings of loneliness and disaffection towards olur neighbours, friends at networkers.
Despite all this, we hope to create an ode to memory and the way in which we inhabit leisure and rest, reclaiming places far from consumption.
Date From 25 june 2024 to 16 july 2024. 24h. Every day.
Seminar Rooms. La Nau Cultural Centre
Carrer de la Universitat, 2
València (46003)
Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society.
Contact acticult@uv.es