The Universitat de València, through the Centre for European Documentation-FGUV, has organised the 2023 edition of Desembre Europeu from the 1st to 20th, this year dedicated to the naming of Valencia as the Green Capital of Europe 2024.
The series includes academic and cultural activities, discussion panels and conferences with experts, even a wide-ranging programme of music, art and film.
You can follow along on social media with these hashtags #DesembreEuropeu2023 #EUGreenCapital
Webinar. EU progress in their Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Friday 1st @ 11am
Lead by Ana Maqueda Lafuente (Eurostat. Statistics Office of the European Union)
Literature. Presentation of Europa?, una mirada sobre les noves migraciones. (Europe? A look at new migrations) With Ignacio Evangelista, author, conversing with photographer María Sainz Arandia.
Saturday 2nd @ 6pm
La Batisfera Café and Bookshop El Cabanyal neighborhood.
Live radio. Radio 3 programme El bosque habitado (The inhabited forest) A program directed and presented by María José Parejo.
Sunday 3rd @ 10am
Joan Plaça Auditorium in the Botanical Garden of the Universitat de València (C/ Quart, 80).
Music. Concert by Alxarq Percussió with Carles Savador, David Merseguer and Jesús Fenollosa.
Tuesday 5th @ 7pm
Joan Plaça Auditorium of the Botanical Garden
Theatre. Una història de por (A story of fear)
Escena Erasmus
Monday and Tuesday 11th and 12th @ 7pm
La Nau Cultural Centre, Aula de Teatre.
Coffee with projects. European Union Network in the Valencian Community
Wednesday 13th @ 11am
Faculty of Economics. Graduate Hall Limited capacity. By invitation.
Presentation Infro Europa, 30 years of european information on the web
Wednesday 13th @ 1pm
Faculty of Economics. Graduate Hall
Panel discussion. Is Valencia a green city?
Presentation of activities for the Valencia European Green Capital 2024
Thursday 14th @ 5pm
Las Naves. Multiuse space.
Literature. Liternature, fresh air for literature. Conversation with Santiago Beruete and Luci Romero
Thursday 14th @ 7pm
Botanical Garden. Hort de Tramulleres Hall.
Exhibition. El pilar europeo de los derechos sociales (The European pillar of human rights)
Exhibition by the European Commission
From 4 December 2023 to 20 January 2024.
Social Sciences Library of the Universitat de València
Date From 1 december 2023 to 20 december 2023. 24h. Every day.
Distintos espacios de la Universitat de València
Universitat de València
General Foundation of the Universitat de València
Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government)
Town Council of València
Europe Direct.
Contact cde@uv.es