The guided tour of the exhibition ‘Not so invisible. Women in the Valencian printing industry’ is an activity organised by Alumni UV in collaboration with the Centre Cultural La Nau and the UV Cultural Volunteering. It requires free registration here and is scheduled on 17 November, at 5pm.
The exhibition, which is on display at the Duc de Calàbria Hall until 8 January 2023, offers visitors a journey from the arrival of the printing press in València to the present day, with women printers as protagonists. Women we can now get to know, after having been hidden for centuries, thanks to the research of the bibliophile and scholar José Enrique Serrano Morales, which is reflected in his work ‘Reseña histórica en forma de diccionario de las imprentas que han existido en Valencia desde la introducción del arte tipográfico en España hasta el año 1868’ (‘Historical review in the form of a dictionary of the printing presses that have existed in Valencia since the introduction of typographic art in Spain until the year 1868’).
Date From 7 november 2022 to 16 november 2022. 24h. Every day.
- 17 november 2022 at 17:00 to 18:00. Thursday.
Duc de Calàbria Hall. Centre Cultural La Nau (c/ Universitat 2, València). Online registration
Universitat de València
General Foundation of the Universitat de València
Alumni UV
With the collaboration of:
Centre Cultural La Nau
UV Cultural Volunteering.
Contact alumniuv@uv.es