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Two actresses in front of a table and two musicians in the background
La lengua incompleta, by Guadalupe Sáez

La Nau Theatre. By La família política


La Nau Theatre

La lengua incompleta by Guadalupe Sáez

Directed by Kika Garcelán. Performed by La família política.

“My mother, myself and a house.

Between the two, a bridge and a nuclear power station.

Between the two, Plato’s cave and a fire that never goes out, never.

Also shadows, the words you do not tell me, and my grandmother waiting for us to go see her.

We will never leave this room.”


Wednesday, April 24: 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, April 25: 8:00 p.m.

Theater tickets can be booked in advance at la Tenda de la Universitat (UV shop) at La Nau, and at the University campus, or on its website (http://www.latenda.es/entrades). Tickets €2,10

  • 24 april 2024 at 19:00 to 20:30. Wednesday.
  • 25 april 2024 at 19:00 to 20:30. Thursday.

Sala Matilde Salvador. Centre Cultural La Nau

Carrer de la Universitat, 2

València (46003)

Organized by

Aula d'Arts Esceniques, Servei de Cultura Universitària UV.


Contact auladeteatre@uv.es