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Comic cover. Drawing of a woman with a wedding dress and a bouquet of flowers
Las nuevas aventuras de Esther. La boda

Dialogue on the occasion of the publication. Centre Cultural La Nau


Dialogue on the occasion of the publication of

Las nuevas aventuras de Esther. La boda (Esther's new adventures. Wedding)

They participate

Aneke. Comic book artist

Carlos Portela. Screenwriter

Noelia Ibarra. Teacher of Language and Literature Teaching, UV

Free entry, limited capacity


Date 28 may 2024 at 19:00 to 20:30. Tuesday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Carrer de la Universitat, 2

València (46003)

Organized by

Aula de Còmic. Servei de Cultura Universitària.


Contact auladecomic@uv.es