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Learning from experience: ExE Method

Colloquium with Juan Merín Reig and Amparo Belarte Granell. Faculty of Teacher Training


Learning from experience: ExE Method

Colloquium with Juan Merín Reig and Amparo Belarte Granell. Faculty of Teacher Training

Culture on Campus


Learning from experience: ExE Method

With the participation of:

Juan Merín Reig

Amparo Belarte Granell

Free entry, limited capacity


Date 29 february 2024 at 11:00 to 13:00. Thursday.


Classroom PB04. Faculty of Teacher Training

Av. dels Tarongers, 4

València (46022)

Organized by

Org: Faculty of Teacher Training Culture at the Campuses, University Culture Service, UV Col: Associació Veus.


Contact cultura@uv.es