Colloquium with the author of the book Raúl Quinto. Centre Cultural La Nau
Martinete del rey sombra (Shadow King's Hammer)
Colloquium with Raúl Quinto on the occasion of the publication of the book
Cristina García Pascual. Narrative Classroom Manager
Raúl Quinto (Cartagena, 1978) is a History of Art graduate from the University of Granada and is currently living in Almería, where he works as a teacher and has been the coordinator of the Faculty of Poetry José Ángel Valente. He is the author of different books of poems, such as Ruido blanco (2012), La lengua rota (2019) or the notebook Sola (2020), under the publishing company La Bella Varsovia, as well as the following hybrid narrative books: Idioteca (El Gaviero, 2010), Yosotros (Caballo de Troya, 2015), Hijo (La Bella Varsovia, 2017), La canción de NOF4 (Jekyll & Jill, 2021) and Martinete del rey sombra (Jekyll & Jill, 2023) for which he obtained the Narrative National Award 2024, the Critics Award 2023 and the Cálamo Otra Mirada Award 2023.
Martinete del rey sombra
30 July 1749, under the reign of Ferdinand VI and by order of the Marquis of Ensenada, the massive arrest of the Gyspsy Spanish population took place in what became known as a failed extermination project: the Great Gypsy Round-up.
Martinete del rey sombra recreates this forgotten episode following the experiences of these gypsies from the night of their arrest until the amnesty granted 18 years later, through improvised prisons, working as slaves in the arselans and houses of mercy, isolation, tortures, diseases, collapses, riots and escape attempts; and, simultaneously, it brings us inside the life of the Court of the first Spanish Bourbons through a web of political schemes, disproportionate luxuries and personal tragedies narrated via a series of biographies as mind-boggling as they are meticulously documented.
A reflexion on how history is build and oblivion where Raúl Quinto breaks, once again, the boundaries of literary genres to tell the story that never gets told.
Free entry, limited capacity
Date 12 december 2024 at 19:00 to 20:30. Thursday.
Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau
Carrer de la Universitat, 2
València (46003)
Aula de Narratives, Servei de Cultura Universitària UV.
Contact literatura@uv.es