The Orfeó Universitari of València (OUV) opened the enrolment period to new singers until the following 1st October.
The Orfeó is a young, energetic and brave group committed to organise
high-quality musical projects where its members can make new friends, relish singing in group and enjoy music.
Being the most ancient university chorus that remains active in the State, the Universitari Orfeó of València is one of the chorus with most history of the city. There have been more than 75 years since its foundation, and it enjoys of a great vitality.
For this course, it has been prepared a special music program that will include interdisciplinary symphonic-choral and some cappella performances, exchanges and a training project that includes vocal technique classes and applied musical language. It also contains work in chamber music groups, as well as the second edition of a specialised singing course.
Chorus members could obtain free choice credits or ECTS credits while improving and completing their musical training, taking part in new promising initiatives, as well as doing trips and exchanges that will make the project popular beyond Valencian borders.
There are some requirements for accessing the OUV tests:
- being over 18 years old.
- being enrolled in some university or having music studies.
Date From 16 may 2023 to 1 october 2023. 24h. Every day.
Inscripción online
Orfeó Universitari de València
Con el apoyo de:
Universitat de València
Fundació General de la Universitat de València
Institut Valencià de Cultura GVA
Àrea de Cultura de la Diputació de València
Ajuntament de València
Palau de la Música.
Contact info@orfeouniversitaridevalencia.es