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Photo of Juan Portolés Simeó
Strategies for coping with death: how to survive palliative care

Culture on Campus

Cycle: Death and the process of dying

Estrategias de afrontamiento de la muerte: como sobrevivir a las curas paliativas

(“Strategies for coping with death: how to survive palliative care”)

By Juan Portolés Simeó. Physiotherapist IVO (Institut Valencià d’Oncologia)

The workshop will address the subject of death from the perspective of a physiotherapy professional.

From a spontaneous and natural point of view, the aim is to carry out participative dynamics where open topics can arise to be shared among all the participants.

What can we learn from patients in extremely serious cases?

What degree of involvement is necessary to be able to adequately accompany them in their last days?

Any questions can have a place in this workshop, they just have to be raised.

Free admission, limited capacity


Date 27 april 2023 at 18:10 to 19:30. Thursday.


Aula M22. Facultat de Fisioteràpia

Organized by

Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat UV. Facultat de Fisioteràpia UV.


Contact cultura@uv.es