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Poster detail. Figures of musicians
The Musical Heritage of the Crown of Aragon

3rd International Conference

El patrimonio musical de la Corona de Aragón

(“The Musical Heritage of the Crown of Aragon”)

The 3rd International Conference ‘The Musical Heritage of the Crown of Aragon’ will be devoted to instrumental activity in its broadest sense. With this aim in mind, it will be attended by a number of specialist speakers whose interventions will be grouped into different thematic lines

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ScheduleFrom 23 march 2023 to 25 march 2023. Thursday, friday and saturday at 09:00 to 21:00.


Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Associació Cultural Comes. Fundació Cultural CdM

Col: Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat UV.


Contact mha@culturalcomes.net