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Photo of Enric Benito Oliver
The pedagogical value of taking care over the dying process

Culture on Campus

Cycle: Death and the dying process


El valor pedagógico de cuidar el proceso de morir

(“The pedagogical value of taking care over the dying process”)

By Enric Benito Oliver. PhD in Medicine. Master’s Degree in Palliative Care

Proving care and accompanying suffering, especially in the process of dying, is a source of learning, wisdom and grace; in other words, it is a school of hard knocks. And without a palliative culture it is easy for us to lose perspective on the fact that accompanying and proving comfort for a dying person has great value and is a source of knowledge about life.

On-site session in the Assembly Hall with prior registration: https://go.uv.es/hSQsE6c

It can be followed live online with limited seating capacity in: Lecture Room 1.4 and 1.6

It will be available online via streaming on Zoom

Link [+]

Passcode: 176596


Date 11 may 2023 at 11:30 to 13:00. Thursday.


Facultat d’Infermeria i Podologia

Organized by

Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat UV. Departament d’ Infermeria. Facultat d’Infermeria i Podologia UV.


Contact cultura@uv.es