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Wooden house model and piles of coins
The Valencian path towards a new model of economic growth

40th Anniversary of the Statute of Autonomy

The Valencian path towards a new model of economic growth


10:30 am - Opening ceremony


10:45 am - Seminal debate: Fuster-Lluch

Vicent Soler Marco

Honorary Full University Professor at the Universitat de València and former Minister of Treasury and Economic Model


11:10 pm - After 40 years of autonomy, is Valencian economic growth


María José Murgui García

Tenured University Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis


11:35 pm - The energy transition as the driving force of the Valencian economic model

María Dolores Furió Ortega

Tenured University Professor of the Department of Financial and Actuarial Economics and former Director-General of Economic Model, Financing and Financial Policy


12:00 p.m. - External economic and budgetary control in the Statute and subsequent regulations

Vicente Montesinos Julve

Emeritus Full University Professor at the Universitat de València and former Official Receiver


12:25 pm - The role of the Valencian public sector and the welfare state

Francisco Pérez García

Emeritus Full University Professor at the Universitat de València and Director of the IVIE


12:50 pm - Final colloquium

Moderator: Víctor Fuentes Prósper

Retired Professor at the Universitat de València and Valencian politician


1:30 pm - Tribute to Ernest Lluch

(Laying of a floral wreath on the corner of the Professor Ernest Lluch Street)


Free entry, limited capacity


Date 16 november 2022 at 10:30 to 14:00. Wednesday.


Sala Sánchez Ayuso. Facultat d’Economia

Organized by

Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat de la Universitat de València. Facultat d’Economia.


Contact cultura@uv.es

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