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Photo of Javier Tebar Hurtado
The workers' challenge to the dictatorship in the late Franco regime

Conference by Javier Tebar Hurtado. Faculty of Geography and History



The workers' challenge to the dictatorship in the late Franco regime (Orig. El desafío obrero a la dictadura en el franquismo tardío)

Held by

Javier Tebar Hurtado

Presented by

Carlos Fuertes Muñoz, Associate Professor at the Universitat de València.

Javier Tébar Hurtado is Associate Professor del Department de History y Archaeology at the University of Barcelona and member of the Centre of International Historical Studies (CEHI) at the same university. He is also deputy director of Segle XX: Revista Catalana d’Historia.

Besides, he is editor and co-author of “Resistencia ordinaria”: La militancia y el antifranquismo catalan ante el Tribunal de Orden Público: (1963-1977), (PUV, 2012). He is co-author of Gobernadores: Barcelona en la España Franquista (1939-1977), (Comadronas, 2015); “El movimiento obrero durante la transición y en democracia”, in Las izquierdas en tiempos de transición, by C. Molinero and P. Ysàs (PUV, 2016); and co-author of Verdugos impunes: El franquismo y la violación sistémica de los derechos humanos, (Pasado & Presente, 2018). He is also co-editor and co-author of 14D: Historia y memoria de la huelga general, (Catarata, 2019).

Free entry, limited capacity


Date 25 april 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00. Thursday.


Joan Fuster Room. Faculty of Geography and History UV

Av. de Blasco Ibáñez, 28

València (46010)

Organized by

History and Democratic Memory Society (University Culture Service, UV).


Contact ahmd@uv.es