AIMED AT: Undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Universitat de València
The aim is to broaden the competences of Bachelor's or Master's Degree students with real-life, everyday learning situations, encouraging collaborative activities of a cultural and experimental nature. In this case, through participation in the development of a concert programme, its innovative presentation to the public, as well as the management of the artists and the stage. It is carried out within the context of the Hall Concert cycle that was first held during the academic year 2021-22 in the hall of the Faculty of Teacher Training, where a grand piano has been installed. The concerts must incorporate this instrument and as well as others, including the voice.
With the preparation of the programmes and the rehearsals of the presentation, the aim is to bring the UV students closer to the music concerts of any style, and to give them a leading role. This activity is carried out in collaboration with the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society of the UV, and specifically, with the Activa Música awards, where members of the university community participate by performing musical pieces. With the CONCERTLAB project we continue this path and give prominence to students, not as performers, but as participants, with the management-communication-presentation of the programme to the public, making it more dynamic by connecting in a deeper way, and favouring education, not only for students but also for the public and the rest of our society. It is a good chance for students to show all the competences they have learnt.
14/02/2023 17-19h Faculty of Teacher Training Hall
16/02/2023 18:30-21:30h Faculty of Teacher Training Hall
23/03/2023 17-19 h Faculty of Teacher Training Lecture Room 01.01
30/03/2023 17-19 h Faculty of Teacher Training Lecture Room 01.01
05/04/202317-19 h Faculty of Teacher Training Lecture Room 01.01
18/04/2023 17-19h Faculty of Teacher Training Hall
20/04/2023 18:30-21:30h Faculty of Teacher Training Hall
16/05/2023 17-19h Faculty of Teacher Training Hall
18/05/2023 19-21h Faculty of Teacher Training Hall
Date From 10 february 2023 to 21 february 2023. 24h. Every day.
Faculty of Teacher Training Hall/Lecture Room 01.01
Faculty of Teacher Training
Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society.
Fitxa_CONCERTLAB_final_2023 web.pdf.