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Villages creation and dramaturgy. Aplec Creadores

Open conversation. Activa FEST. La Nau Cultural Centre


1st Open conversation about dramaturgy and creation in the villages. Aplec Creadores

Activity beneficiary of Activa FEST

Get-together that values dramaturgy and creation made in rural areas, with this open conversation, that will count with the participation of different people implicated inside the project APLEC CREADORES-DRAMATÚRGIA I CREACIÓ DELS POBLES. What is more, we will project the Aplec Creadores 2023 Documentary, made by Nacho Carrascosa.

The participants on the conversation will be:

- Salome Castro, town councillor of culture in Aras de los Olmos

- Amparo Ortiz, professor at IES LAS ALFÁBEGUES in Bétera

- Ami Ferri Avària, Professor of the EPA in Alboraya

- David Torres, creator and pedagogue, professor in Aplec Creadores

- Mariola Ponce and Vicent Ortolà, from the company Teatros de la Luz and professors in Aplec Creadores

- Lucía Sáez, director of Aplec Creadores

- Kika Garcelán, president of the Comité Escénicas

- Jéssica Martínez, manager of the Comité Escénicas

Free entry, limited capacity.

Pamphlet [+]



Date 13 december 2024 at 18:00 to 20:00. Friday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Carrer de la Universitat, 2

València (46003)

Organized by

Comité Escèniques y Creadores Residencias Teatrales

Col: Activa Fest. Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat UV.


Contact escenacreadores@gmail.com