Open conversation. Activa FEST. La Nau Cultural Centre
1st Open conversation about dramaturgy and creation in the villages. Aplec Creadores
Activity beneficiary of Activa FEST
Get-together that values dramaturgy and creation made in rural areas, with this open conversation, that will count with the participation of different people implicated inside the project APLEC CREADORES-DRAMATÚRGIA I CREACIÓ DELS POBLES. What is more, we will project the Aplec Creadores 2023 Documentary, made by Nacho Carrascosa.
The participants on the conversation will be:
- Salome Castro, town councillor of culture in Aras de los Olmos
- Amparo Ortiz, professor at IES LAS ALFÁBEGUES in Bétera
- Ami Ferri Avària, Professor of the EPA in Alboraya
- David Torres, creator and pedagogue, professor in Aplec Creadores
- Mariola Ponce and Vicent Ortolà, from the company Teatros de la Luz and professors in Aplec Creadores
- Lucía Sáez, director of Aplec Creadores
- Kika Garcelán, president of the Comité Escénicas
- Jéssica Martínez, manager of the Comité Escénicas
Free entry, limited capacity.
Date 13 december 2024 at 18:00 to 20:00. Friday.
Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau
Carrer de la Universitat, 2
València (46003)
Comité Escèniques y Creadores Residencias Teatrales
Col: Activa Fest. Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat UV.