The Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection (CMG), registered in the General Foundation of the University of Valencia, has made available to the public in virtual format the exhibition 'Women of the Congo. The path to hope' by Isabel Muñoz, winner of the 2016 National Photography Award.
In the online tour, free of charge, you can enjoy the 34 black and white photographs and portraits that hung on the walls of the Martínez Guerricabeitia room at La Nau from 1 October 2020 until 10 January, as well as the audiovisual content that was projected during the on-site exhibition.
With this project, the CMG begins a new stage of adaptation to the health situation caused by the covid-19 pandemic and opens an online space within its website that will host the exhibitions in virtual format, being the exhibition of Isabel Muñoz the first of these events.
Date From 19 february 2021 to 31 december 2021. 24h. Every day.
Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Deporte de la Universitat de València
Col·lecció Martínez Guerricabeitia de la Fundació General de la Universitat de València
Centre Cultural La Nau
Con la colaboración de Heineken España S.A. y Coca-Cola.
Contact cmg.fguv@uv.es