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The Grup de Dansa of the Universitat de València celebrates the International Dance Day

  • Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
  • April 29th, 2020

On the occasion of International Dance Day, celebrated today, 29 April, dancers from the Grup de Dansa of the Universitat de València, who are continuing their rehearsals from home, have recorded a video to celebrate the event.

The Grup de Dansa of the Universitat was formed in the academic year 2017-2018 with the full desire to work rigorously and continuously in the world of dance and to make dance known not only as an art, a physical discipline or a spectacle, but also as a way of personal artistic growth for the students of the institution.

The activity of the Grup de Dansa of the Universitat is organised in workshops where the participants have the technical support of a teacher and a professional choreographer who, while giving classes, prepares the production of shows. The Grup de Dansa is integrated in the Performing Arts Club of the Universitat de València.

The students who recorded the video are: Patricia Gallardo, Noelia Sánchez, Laura Basterra and Joana Marzal. The cast of teachers of the Grup de Dansa of the Universitat de València is integrated by the choreographers and performers Yoshua Cienfuegos and Maynor Chaves.