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First Edition of the "Help and Protect" Awards of the Protecpol Chair UV 2019

  • June 6th, 2019
Image de la noticia

The Universitat de València, through the Protecpol Chair, has just announced the First Edition of the Help and Protect Awards, aimed at evaluating the best doctoral thesis, the best research work submitted by local police professionals and the best Degree Final Project or Master's Degree Final Project.

The subject of the research must be directly related to the analysis, study and/or proposals useful for the development or analysis of public security with a police perspective. The work may have been carried out from any area of knowledge and defended in any of the universities of the Comunitat Valenciana or in the different IVASPE training modules during the 2016/2017 and 2017/18 academic years.

The purpose of these awards is to promote quality research in the field of public security to improve the quality of life of citizens through the contribution of ideas that help to better develop the functions of the police.


€1,000 for category A (doctoral theses); €1,000 for category B (research work by Local Police professionals) and €500 euros for category C (Degree Final Project/Master's Degree Final Project). A diploma will be provided.

Deadline for applications

The term for submitting applications will begin the day after the publication of the extract from this call in the Official Gazzette of the Valencian Government (DOGV of 6 June 2019) and will close after 20 calendar days. In other words, the deadline will be 26 June 2019.  Applicants must provide certification of the qualification obtained issued by the centre responsible.


Bases of the call (Not available in English)
