Coloquio Salón de grados. Facultad de Derecho Viernes 21 de febrero de 2025 10.30 h Entrada libre
Coloquio Salón de grados. Facultad de Derecho Viernes 21 de febrero de 2025 10.30 h Entrada libre
El ICCP en colaboración con la Facultad de Derecho organiza la semana de la criminología, con el fin de divulgar sus actividades y los distintos espacios de investigación de los estudios de criminología. Durante la semana, del 17 al 21 de febrero, el alumnado es bienvenido a participar en las...
SALÓN DE GRADOS FACULTAD DE DERECHO CAMPUS TARONGERS Organiza: ICCP Dirección: Vicenta Cervelló Donderis Colabora: Facultad de Dret Inscripciones: lucia.jover@uv.es
Participació ciudadana i integració social a l'àmbit rural: el projecte Espigol Fecha: 18 de febrero de 2025 Horario: 10:30-13:00 Lugar: Saló de Graus, Facultat de Dret Entrada lliure
17 de Febrero de 2025 Horarios: 9:30-10:00, 11:00-12:00 y 12:30-13:30 Plazas limitadas con inscripción previa (lucia.jover@uv.es)
Metodología de investigaciones criminológicas Aula LabCrim Planta baja del Aulario Norte Campus de Tarongers 6, 10, 11 y 13 febrero 2025 Inscripciones con aforo limitado
Sala Tomás V. Antón (Dep. Dret Penal) Facultat de Dret (Universitat de València)
18 de diciembre de 2024 Sala Tomás Vives- Departamento de Derecho Penal
Violence as an object of study in the criminal sciences and as a subject of interest for public policies against crime has been undergoing important transformations in recent decades, both in its phenomenology and in the legal and security approach to it. Contemporary social and technological...
The University Research Institute of Criminology and Criminal Science of the Universitat de València (ICCP), one of the most reputable in its field, was created fifty years ago, and is the second oldest institute in Spain, only behind the Institute of the same name at the Complutense University of...
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary, the ICCP has organised a conference that will address the current challenges of criminological research and new forms of crime. In addition, a new service, the "CrimLab", will be presented and the official closing of the 6th Edition of the Master's Degree in...
The Universitat de València, through the Protecpol Chair, has just announced the First Edition of the Help and Protect Awards, aimed at evaluating the best doctoral thesis, the best research work submitted by local police professionals and the best Degree Final Project or Master's Degree Final...
The University of A Coruña has decided to award the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Prof. Dr. Enrique Orts Berenguer at the nearly unanimous request of the Criminal Law Department of this Galician university. Professor Orts continues as an emeritus attached to the ICCP, of which he was its...
L'Associació Internacional de Dret Penal, 'International Association of Criminal Law/AIDP,' celebrarà a Roma, en la seu de l'Institut LUISS Guido Carli, el congrés quinquennal ‘XXth INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PENAL LAW 2019’.
ABSTRACT As suggested by previous research, the study of personality traits among sexual offenders could be an important consideration in the understanding of sexual offending. This study aims to explore the possibility of classifying sexual offenders according to their personality profiles....
Promoted by the National Security Council, in 2013 the National Security Strategy was published, which includes Cybersecurity within its twelve areas of action and whose update is published here.
Organic Law 1/2019, of 20 February, amending Organic Law 10/1995, of 23 November, of the Criminal Code, to transpose European Union Directives in the financial and terrorism fields, and to address issues of an international nature.
The National Security Council recently adopted an agreement approving the National Strategy against Organised Crime and Major Crimes.
The Spanish Ministry of the Interior, through the Intelligence Centre for Counter-Terrorism and Organised Crime (CITCO), has been responsible for coordinating the preparation of this publication. The following have participated in its preparation: the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European...
In Germany, the deprivation of criminal assets is achieved through two means: the confiscation (Verfall) of illicit profits, and the confiscation (Einziehung) of the products and objects used in the preparation or execution of the act. With regard to the first, prudence affirms that it is not a...