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The Institute for Local Development of the Universitat de València is a research centre on the theory and practice of local development in its broadest sense. It is part of the Inter-University Institute for Local Development (IIDL), established by researchers of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) and Universitat de València, experts in the various dimensions of the concept of sustainable development, policy implementation framework and development strategies at the local level.
Research at IIDL is structured in four areas. Each of them incorporates in turn, the different aspects and strategies addressed on a thematic level depending on the characteristics and content of research.


Area I: Territorial Governance, Spatial Planning and Environment

Its objectives are to contribute to a better understanding of territorial dynamics and new forms of planning and governance of territorial and sectorial policies at different levels, in order to promote sustainable development.


  • Regional Economy and Development
  • Centre for Analysis, Research and Urban Documentation (CAIDU)
  • Systems Planning and Land Use: Methodology. Planning Infrastructure and Equipment. Transport and Mobility. Regional Structure and Transport. Mediterranean Axis
  • Innovation Processes, Territorial Externalities, Industrial Districts and Development. Knowledge Networks
  • Sustainable Water Management. Desertification, Waste and Pollution. Risk Analysis and Management
  • Structure of Government. Public Policies. Strategic Planning and Management of Local and Metropolitan Governments. Territorial Government


Area II: Local Development

Its objectives are to analyse the policies and strategies for sustainable local development, though innovation processes, knowledge networks, regional economy, international cooperation, migratory currents, and human and social capital.


  • Local Development. Policies and Strategies. Rural Development
  • Geographic Information Systems and Territorial Processes
  • Demographic Changes, Migratory Currents and Human Capital. Social Capital
  • Human Development. Welfare State. System for Personal Autonomy and Dependants
  • International Cooperation
  • Social Responsibility of Business
  • Tourism and Territory


Area IV: Social Cohesion

Its objectives are to foster human development with community intervention work in situations of vulnerability and social exclusion. Expanding into the Welfare State and the processes of social participation, consultation and revitalization.


  • Socio-Educational Intervention and Social Participation
  • Consultation Processes and Social Revitalization
  • Community Intervention on the New Vulnerability and Social Exclusion
  • Processes of Inclusion and Personal Development