This course and the teaching materials that accompany it are part of the Jean Monnet Module Citizens' integration into European Union democracy granted by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, in its 2021 call for applications. As part of the commitments undertaken when receiving the aforementioned Module is to create and disseminate the necessary resources so that the contents related to the rights of European citizens and their exercise within the framework of the political rights of European democracy are real and effective.
With this purpose in mind, these materials have been developed to allow autonomous self-learning through 8 thematic blocks which, in a very synthetic and schematic way, outline the general lines of the subject. These theoretical contents are complemented with self-assessment materials for each of the thematic blocks designed to consolidate the previous knowledge introduced in each of the blocks. The dissemination of these contents is carried out online, through the repositories of the Universitat de València, as well as through the website of the Jean Monnet Module Citizens' integration into European Union democracy.