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The professional field of the optometrist is increasingly broad and the needs of training and professional recycling in the field of new methodologies and technologies are now fundamental.

Optometry is a scientific branch of wide clinical application that has had a glaring growth in recent years with the opening of new paths of research and clinical application related to the new techniques of compensation and analysis of ametropies. The clinical application field of Optometry has been extended to previous analysis and monitoring of refractive surgery, new types of compensation through contact lenses, advanced visual therapy treatments or the applications of psychophysical methodologies in early detection of visual pathologies, complementary to ophthalmological diagnostic tasks.

It must be added that the aging of the population poses a series of visual problems in which the optometrist's performance will be necessary, both in treatment and in primary care.

With this Master’s Degree you will obtain a high level of professional specialization in different areas of Optometry, such as Geriatric Optometry, Vision Therapy or the optometric aspects of Refractive Surgery, among others.

The studies will also be able to carry out research tasks in the area of Vision Sciences as well as in the area of the Applied Clinic. For this reason, the orientation is academic, of mixed character, both for the specialized professional practice training and for investigation training.