The Master’s provides for the exchange of students within the Erasmus programme and, to that end, the agreements and conventions that the UVEG has signed with different European universities are being expanded. In this sense, it is worth noting that the University of Valencia has a long experience in mobility and has an appropriate organisational structure, dedicated to perform different actions for outgoing students (those who move to other universities) and incoming students (who, from other universities, attend the UV). These could include:
- Outgoing Students: actions of support and guidance at the beginning of the course such as timely information on other comparable degrees and economic grants that students can apply for.
- Incoming Students: sending detailed information to the home university for transmission to students. Once incorporated into the UVEG, they will be given information material and will be informed about the steps that they must take from that point.
Usually, the University holds welcome days in early October, in which students are provided of practical information about the city, the university and their studies. Throughout the entire course different sociocultural actions are carried out, from excursions guided by university teachers to visits to museums, institutions, etc...
Regulations: Regulations of mobility to the University of Valencia (approved by the Governing Council on 29 October, 2013. ACGUV 196/2013).