BIOFAST project: success in reducing bioplastic biodegradation time BIOFAST project: success in reducing bioplastic biodegradation time 19/07/24 The MATS group concludes its participation in the BIOFAST Project for the development of strategies to accelerate the biodegradation of bioplastics in compost environments[Read more]
MATS advances in circular engineering of plastics with the BIOFAST project MATS advances in circular engineering of plastics with the BIOFAST project 18/12/23 The MATS group advances in the development of strategies that accelerate the biodegradation of bioplastics in compost medium within the framework of the BIOFAST project.[Read more]
The AVI bestows the BIOFAST project upon the MATS research group with the collaboration of AIMPLAS and Prime Bioplymers, for the development of strategies to accelerate the biodegradation of bioplastics in compost medium The AVI bestows the BIOFAST project upon the MATS research group with the collaboration of AIMPLAS and Prime Bioplymers, for the development of strategies to accelerate the biodegradation of bioplastics in compost medium 27/01/23 The Agència Valenciana de la Innovació (Valencia Agency for Innovation, AVI) approved the concession of the BIOFAST Strategic Partnership Project (INNEST/2022/295) to the Material Technology and...[Read more]
New Research Group website 20/01/23 The Research Group have created his web to adapt it to the new agent of contents and improve the interficie and the accessibility as already it has made in other corporate webs.