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The Ontinyent-Caixa Ontinyent City Council Chair announces the INNOVATIONT Awards

The Vice-Rector for Innovation and Transfer of the University of Valencia decided to call for grants from the End of Degree Works initiative to recognise the academic quality and the impact of the topic dealt with in works that should deal with aspects related to business or social innovation and the configuration of the intelligent territories of involvement in the socio-economic area of Ontinyent and to approve the bases that regulate this call, which are found in Annex I and II of this resolution of 18 May 2018.

The purpose of this call for proposals is to award prizes for the completion of Final Grade Papers (TFG), the aim of which is to recognise the academic quality and impact of the topic on economic and social development. All the works must deal with aspects related to business or social innovation and the configuration of intelligent territories for application to the socioeconomic area of Ontinyent.

Two prizes of the same amount - 1000 euros - will be awarded for each of the following categories:

Local category: Prize for the best TFG related to the specified subject matter, awarded by students of the Ontinyent campus or by natural or resident students of Ontinyent of the University of Valencia or the University of Alacant.

Open category: Award for the best TFG carried out in any university that deals with a subject with special relation and application to the development of innovation and the configuration of intelligent territories in Ontinyent and its area.

Participants must meet the following requirements

1. Be enrolled in the 2017-2018 academic year for the development of TFG.

2. To present the TFG in the 2017-2018 academic year.

3. That the work is original and unpublished, as well as, in any case, represents an advance within the field of knowledge to which it corresponds.

4. The work must be written in Valencian, Spanish or English.

5. Authorize the Chair's management to publish the work for which the award is requested in its web section.

The resolution of the concession will be made within a maximum period of six months from the publication of the call in the DOGV. The decision to award the prize will be published, with notification effects, on the Official Board of the University of Valencia (

It will also be published on the Chair's website[].


Date From 18 may 2018 to 18 november 2018. 24h. Every day.


Date From 18 may 2018 to 18 november 2018. 24h. Every day.


Universitat de València

Organized by

La Cátedra Universitaria Ajuntament d'Ontinyent-Caixa Ontinyent-Eset.



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