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Employability on Family Business Course (2nd Edition)

The Family Business Chair together with the UVEMPLEO service start the second edition of the course on Employability in Family Business in on-line format. This course will begin on November 20, 2020 and will be taught by professors from the University of Valencia and by external collaborators-professionals, in order to improve the employability of students in Family Businesses.

In this second edition of the Employability in Family Business course, the objective is to improve the employment processes of students in family businesses, taking into account that family businesses represent 66% of employment in Spain (Instituto de la Empresa Familiar 2015). Knowledge of these realities will allow tomorrow's professionals to have better skills and abilities to contribute to the competitiveness and continuity of family businesses, either as members of business families, or as professionals outside the property who know how to support processes improvement with a sufficient level of empathy with the family project.

El curso se divide en las siguientes sesiones:

Sesión 1. “Entender la importancia de la Empresa Familiar en el mercado laboral y en la economía”. Prof. Alejandro Escribá (UV)

Sesión 2. “Entender los diferentes niveles y roles del gobierno de la empresa y de la influencia de la familia empresaria”. Prof. Tomás Guillén (Grupo Ifedes)

Sesión 3. “Actitudes para la empleabilidad”. Prof. Lucía Llinares (UV)

Sesión 4. “La perspectiva del empleador”. Prof. Victoria Casañ (Grefusa)

Sesión 5. “Comprender sus particularidades legales”. Prof. Alejandro Ríos” (Broseta)

Sesión 6. “Distinguir ámbitos financieros de la Empresa Familiar”. Prof. Marta Beltrán (GMM Holding Company)

Sesión 7. “El papel de los empleados en la gestión de las emociones y transmisión de valores en la Empresa Familiar” Prof. María Beltrán (FIBAC)

Sesión 8. “Estrategias de mediación y Gestión de conflictos en la Empresa Familiar” Prof. Pilar González (UV)

The Family Business Chair of the University of Valencia (CEFUV), promoted by the Valencian Association of Entrepreneurs (AVE), the School of Entrepreneurs (EDEM), the Valencian Institute for the Study of Family Business (IVEFA), the Institute of the Family Business (IEF) and the University of Valencia (UV), and is currently sponsored by BANKIA and BROSETA ABOGADOS.

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Date From 20 november 2020 to 11 december 2020. 24h. Friday.



Organized by

The Family Business Chair (University of València) with the service of UVEMPLEO.



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