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Agrifood Cooperative School
Course on Compliance in Agri-food Cooperatives

From 27th January to 16th February the course under the title Compliance en Cooperatives Agroalimentarias (Compliance in Agrifood Cooperatives) will be held, organised by the Chair for Agri-food Cooperatives of the Universitat de València.

The School of Agrifood Cooperativism, sponsored by the Chair for Agri-food Cooperatives of the Universitat de València, will teach this course for those who hold positions of responsibility in the field of compliance or must relate to those who provide the functions of compliance. Therefore, the main, but not the only, target groups would be the members of the governing councils, general managers, compliance officers, managers of the co-operative society or external advisors. The course will study the very concept of compliance, the responsibilities of the board of directors and the special cases of compliance.

This is the second course offered by the Agro-food Cooperativism School. This school organises online courses in collaboration with the ADEIT University-Business Foundation.  In the spring of 2019, the practical workshop on VAT in agri-food cooperatives was a great success. The workshop was given by Universitat de València Professor María Pilar Bonet.

On this occasion, the person in charge of teaching the course will be Alfredo Muñoz García, Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, and it will take place between 27th January and 16th February 2020. For more information and registration, consult the following link.


Date From 7 january 2020 to 16 february 2020. 24h. Every day.


Aula Virtual ADEIT

Organized by

Chair for Agri-Food Cooperatives .



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