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Cartel Workshop
3rd workshop of interdisciplinary studies of public works: «Arcos y conductos»

The Chair Demetrio Ribes (UVEG-CHOPVT) organises at the Museu de la Ciutat de València (3, Arquebisbe Square, Valencia) the 3rd workshop of interdisciplinary studies of public works: “Arcos y conductos: contributions of Hydraulic Engineering to our history”. 16 and 17 April in the morning.

Controlling the water use is an extraordinary human achievement in terms of building infrastructures. In this sense, the Valencian territory has important remains since the Antiquity. Some of them are famous while others are unknown. Experts from different disciplines will explain these heterogenic facilities of hydraulic engineering that controlled water use in the past. They will also explain the impact that they had on the following cultures. The seminar is free and opened to the public. It includes a visit to the exhibition “Rius per l’aire. Aqüeductes de la Comunitat Valenciana”.



ScheduleFrom 16 april 2019 to 17 april 2019. Tuesday and wednesday at 16:30 to 18:45.


Museo de la Ciudad de Valencia

Organized by

Cátedra Demetrio Ribes / Ajuntament de Valencia.



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