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Demetrio Ribes Chair organised the ‘Movilidad en el tiempo’ Conference

Fourth and last session of the cycle organised by the Demetrio Ribes Chair, entitled Movilidad en transformación (Mobility in transformation), with the participation of, among others, Mavi Mestre, the Magnificent Rector of the University of Valencia; Arcadi España, the Honourable Conseller for Public Works; Aurelio Martínez, the Government Commissioner for the Mediterranean Corridor; Josep Vicent Boira, etc.

On Thursday 19th November, from 18 p.m., the fourth and last session of the series organised by the Demetrio Ribes Chair will take place, under the title of Movilidad en transformación. This new academic conference will focus on Movilidad en el tiempo (Mobility over time). Inmaculada Aguilar, Honorary Director of the Demetrio Ribes Chair; Pilar Chías, Professor of the Department of Architecture of the University of Alcalá, and Tomas Abad, Researcher at the Department of Architecture at the University of Alcalá, will offer diachronic perspectives on modes of human travel.



Date 19 november 2020 at 18:00 to 21:00. Thursday.



Organized by

Cátedra Demetrio Ribes.



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