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"Valencian aerodromes" in Petrer

During the Spanish Civil War, the aviation unit stablished itself as one of the most important factors to tilt the balance to one side or the other. Before this situation and due to the insufficiency of the existing infrastructures, various aerodromes were built around the country. The Valencian territory is not exception and up to 38 aviation camps were installed during the war to supply the fronts and defense themselves from the attacks. This exhibition shows these aerodromes and its elements (command and guard posts, shelters, arsenals…) as a net for the defense of the territory. Besides, the exhibition also sets these aerodromes in their historical context through bombing, air war, pilots, machine, industrial production, cartography and the culture, art and memory surrounding them.


ScheduleFrom 1 march 2019 to 17 march 2019. Thursday, friday, saturday and sunday at 19:30 to 00:00.


Sala de exposiciones Vicente Poveda, Petrer

Organized by

Cátedra Demetrio Ribes.



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