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Evaluation and maturity of the European legal model on data protection

  • June 20th, 2022
Image of the presentation

Lecture by Professor Ricard Martínez M. at the Cybersecurity Week Conference organised by the University of Santiago of Chile.

The director of the Privacy and Digital Transformation Chair, Microsoft-Universitat de València, Ricard Martínez M., participated in the first day of the Cybersecurity Week Conference 2022 held in Santiago, Chile, on June 20th, 2022. 

On the occasion, he shared in the conversation Data Protection in LATAM and How We Accelerate the Pace in Organisations with data protection experts and academics Jessica Matus, Miriam Padilla and the academic from the University of Santiago of Chile, Leocadio Marerro, an expert in cybersecurity.

In his lecture, Professor Martínez gave a diagnosis of the European legal model on data protection. He devoted the first part to a historical review of the process of incorporating the right to the protection of personal data into European law.

The academic then reviewed the fundamental rules in this area, namely the General Data Protection Regulation, Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5th on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of digital rights (or Regulation on the Use of Personal Data), the Data Governance Act and, in the pipeline, the ePrivacy Regulation, and the Regulations on Artificial Intelligence, the European Digital Health Data Space and Digital Services

The recording of the panel Data Protection in LATAM and How We Accelerate the Pace in Organisations starts at minute 14'55''.