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Mr. Joaquín Aldás-Manzano

  • November 16th, 2022

Vice-Principal for Planning, Quality and Information Technologies, Universitat de Vàlencia.

Born in Buñol (Valencia, 1968). Professor Joaquin Aldas-Manzano of Commercialisation and Market Research of the Faculty of Economics. Graduate and doctorate in Economic and Business Sciences from the Universitat de València. Researcher of the Valencian Institute for Economic Research (Ivie) and visiting Research Fellow in the University of Glasgow.

His research focuses on quantitative methods in marketing research, field in which he has published more than 60 articles and 30 books or book’s chapters. He has also participated in nine competitive projects financed by the European Union, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Valencian Government. He has three six-year terms of certified research activity.

Regarding his teaching activity, he has focused on courses related to market research in undergraduate studies. In master’s degrees, subjects of multivariate techniques for data analysis. He also teaches structural modelling based on variances and co-variances in the PhD. He has four five-year terms of certified teaching activity.

He has been Vice-Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research and he is currently Vice-Dean of Communication in the Faculty of Economics. He is also the Secretary of this faculty, Secretary of the Department in Business Management “Juan José Renau Piqueras” and of the Department of Commercialisation and Market Research. He is director of the Inter-University Doctorate Programme in Marketing and co-director of the International Master in Business Administration. He is a current member of the Faculty - and has also formed part of it in previous periods.



Joaquín Aldás Manzano
Mr. Joaquín Aldás-Manzano