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Group research publications



Conflicto de fuerzas    Prisioneras salvajes      Sacred feminity      Indigenizing the classroom  



  • “The Self-Making, Worlding Processes of Contemporary Zapotec Literature” World Literature Before World Literature. Special Issue of the Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Vol. 7, n. 2. December 2023.
  • “Relational Bodies in Motion: A Trans-Indigenous Reading of Ofelia Zepeda and Irma Pineda’s Place-Based Poetry” Indigenous Journeys, Transatlantic Perspectives. Relational Worlds in Contemporary Native American Literature. Michigan State University Press, 2023, pp. 155-176.
  • 2023 Editor. Indigenous Journeys, Transatlantic Perspectives. Relational Worlds in Contemporary Native American Literature. Michigan State University Press, 2023. Introductory chapter "Place-Worlds in Contemporary Native American Literature" pp. ix-xxii.
  • “Kiowa Images, Stories, and Human/More-than-Human Relations in Alfred and N. Scott Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain. Miscelánea. A Journal of English and American Studies. 2022. Vol. 66. pp. 69-90.
  • Editor. Indigenizing the Classroom. Engaging Native American/First Nations Literature and Culture in non-Native Settings. Biblioteca Javier Coy d’Estudis Nord-Americans. Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2021.
  • “Reframing Our Pedagogical Practice. Teaching Native American/First Nations Literature and Culture through Indigenous-centered Methodologies.” Indigenizing the Classroom. Engaging Native American/First Nations Literature and Culture in non-Native Settings. Biblioteca Javier Coy d’Estudis Nord-Americans. Publicacions de la Universitat de València. 2021.
  • “Multiliteracies, Critical Framing and Literary Analysis in BookTube Reviews”. International Journal of Learning in Higher Education. 2019. Vol. 28, n. 1:127-138.
  • “Los mundos subalternos de la literatura mundial: hacia una comparación de las literaturas indígenas en Abya Yala//las Américas.” In World Literature, Cosmopolitanism, Globality. Beyond, Against, Post, Otherwise. De Gruyter. Co-authored with César Domínguez, 2019.
  • "Native Waterscapes in the Northern Borderlands: Restoring Traditional Environmental Knowledge in Linda Hogan's Solar Storms." Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos. 2018. Vol. 22: 37-57.
  • "Material Nature, Visual Sovereignty, and Water Rights: Unpacking the Standing Rock Movement." Studies in the Literary Imagination. Georgia State University. Special Issue: 21st- Century American Crises: Reflections, Representations, Transformations. 2017. Vol. 50. n. 1: 69-90.
  • “Re/Presentations of Crisis in 21st Century U.S. Literature and Culture”. Introduction to Special Issue 21st- Century American Crises: Reflections, Representations, Transformations. Studies in the Literary Imagination. Georgia State U. 2017. Vol. 50, n. 1.
  • “Una aproximación a la obra de Javier Castellanos Martínez en el marco de la literatura zapoteca contemporánea. Reflexiones, inquietudes y pláticas”. Diálogo. An Interdisciplinary Studies Journal. Special Issue: The Five Cardinal Points in Contemporary Indigenous Literature. De Paul University. Spring 2016. Vol. 19, n. 1, pp- 175-183.
  • “‘Things which don’t shift and grow are dead things’: Revisiting Betonie’s Waste-Lands in Leslie Silko’s Ceremony”. Alicante Journal of English Studies 2014. Vol. 27, pp. 7-23.
  • “Wordarrows. The Performative Power of Language in N. Scott Momaday’s Non-Fiction Work.” Language Value. 2012. Vol. 4, n. 2, pp. 56-69.
  • “Native Journeys of Self-Figuration: N. Scott Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain and Gloria Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La Frontera” en Selves in Dialogue. Intra-Inter Ethnic Study of Self-life Writing. Ed. Begoña Simal. Amsterdam: Rodopi/Brill, 2011. 109-133.



  • “Reading Toni Morrison’s Beloved in Jesmyn Ward’s Salvage The Bones and Sing, Unburied, Sing”. Feminismo/s, No. 40: 70-100. ISSN: 1989-9998.
  • “Diáspora y auto representación en la literatura afroespañola: Hija del camino, de Lucía Asué Mbomío”. Anales de literatura española, No. 37: 11-31. ISSN-e 2695-4257.
  • “The Politics of Affect with/in the African American Mansion in Stephanie Powell Watts’s No One Is Coming To Save Us”. American Houses. Literary Spaces of Resistance and Desire. Leiden: Brill: 135-152. ISBN 978-90-04-52031-8.
  • “Indigenizing Afroperipheralism in Wayde Compton’s The Outer Harbour”. Indigenizing the Classroom: Engaging Native American/First Nations Literature and Culture in Non-Native Settings. Anna Mª Brígido Corachán (ed.). Biblioteca Javier Coy de Estudios Norteamericanos. València: Publicacions Universitat de València: 147-165. ISBN: 978-84-9134-747-7.
  • “Afroperipheral Indigeneity in Wayde Compton’s The Outer Harbour”. International Journal of English Studies, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 21-37. DOI:
  • Editor. Benjamin Drew: The Refugee. Narratives of Fugitive Slaves in Canada. Biblioteca Javier Coy de Estudios Norteamericanos. València: Publicacions Universitat de València. ISBN: 978-84-9134-911-2 (papel). ISBN: 978-84-9134-912-9 (ePub).
  • “Resilience and memory in the poetics of Africadia: Sylvia D. Hamilton's And I Alone Escaped to Tell You”. The Grove: Working papers on English studies, No. 28, pp. 67-84. DOI: 10.17561/grove.v28.6301.
  • “Biblical Echoes and Communal Home in Jesmyn Ward's Salvage the Bones”. Miscelánea. A Journal of English and American Studies. Vol. 62. pp. 91-107.
  • “Ghostly Memories of Afro-Europeanness after the Great War in Esi Edugyan’s Half Blood Blues”. Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Literaris, XXIV, pp. 55-75. doi: 10.7203/qdfed.24.16330.
  • Sacred Femininity and the Politics of Affect in African American Women's Fiction. Biblioteca Javier Coy de Estudios Norteamericanos. València: Publicacions Universitat de València. ISBN: 978-84-9134-269-4.
  • “Decolonizing Othello in search of black feminist North American identities: Djanet Sears' Harlem duet and Toni Morrison's Desdemona”. International Journal of English Studies, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 83-97. doi: 10.6018/ijes/2017/1/246541.



  • “Sarah E. Farro’s True Love (1891): Plagiarist Reconfigurations of Ellen Wood’s The Shadow of Ashlydyat (1863)”. Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 26, pp.1-30. Seville, Spain, ISSN 1133-309-X, DOI:
  • “The House on Mango Street: A Parable of Degeneration or a Chicana Rewriting of Charles Kingsley's The Water-Babies”. Roczniki humanistyczne. 69.11, pp. 79-98. (Polonia): Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 2021. ISSN 0035-7707. DOI:
  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aurora Leigh. Madrid: Cátedra. Introducción, notas y edición crítica de Carme Manuel, pp. 9-113. Traducción de José Manuel Benítez Ariza. Cátedra Letras Universales, 570. ISBN 978-84-376-4284-0.
  • Anna Sewell, Belleza negra, sus caballerizos y sus compañeros. La autobiografía de un caballo. Madrid: Cátedra. Introducción, notas y edición crítica de Carme Manuel, pp. 9-116. Traducción de Consuelo Rubio Alcover. Cátedra Letras Universales, 549. ISBN 978-84-376-3927-7.
  • Walt Whiman, Relatos. Madrid: Cátedra. Introducción, notas y edición crítica de Carme Manuel. pp 9-123. Traducción de Consuelo Rubio Alcover Cátedra Letras Universales, 538. ISBN 978-84-376-3783-9.
  • Claudia Rankine. Ciutadà. Poema Líric Nord-americà. Institució Alfons el Magnànim. Traducció i Introducció Crítica. ISBN 978-84-7822-782-2.
  • “Pauline E. Hopkins's Intertextual Aesthetics in Contending Forces”. Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos. 21, pp. 13-66. ISSN 1133-309X.
  • “Los escritores norteamericanos en la era de Trump: entre la metáfora moribunda y la hipérbole veraz. Pasajes. 53, pp. 48-72. ISSN 1575-2259.
  • “Louisa S. McCord's Caius Gracchus: A Transatlantic Southern Literary Response to 1848 European Revolutions”. Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos 20, pp. 39-66. ISSNe: 2253-8410. ISSN: 1133-309X.
  • Fuego en los huesos: Afroamericanas y escritura en los siglos XVIII y XIX. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia PUV. ISBN 978-84-370-9009-2.
  • “Elizabeth Keckley's Behind the Scenes; or, the 'Colored Historian' Resistance to the Technologies of Power of Postwar America.” African American Review. 44.1-2, pp. 25-48. ISSN 1062-4783.



  • 2022. “Queering the American Family Home: The Aesthetics of Place and the Ethos of Domesticity in Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic”. American Houses. Literary Spaces of Resistance and Desire. Leiden: Brill. pp. 58-73 ISBN: ISBN: Hardback 978-90-04-52031-8; ISBN: EBook 978-90-04-52111-7.
  • 2021. Rabih Alameddine, Kim Addonizio, and Kellie Wells: Fairy-tales in the 21st Century”, Lectora, 27: 259-273. ISSN: 1136-5781 D.O.I.: 10.1344/Lectora2021.27.13.
  • 2021. ‘With them was my home’: The Politics of Native Space in A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison”. Indigenizing the Classroom: Engaging Native American/First Nations Literature and Culture in Non-Native Settings. Anna Mª Brígido Corachán (ed.). Biblioteca Javier Coy de Estudios Norteamericanos. València: Publicacions Universitat de València. pp. 91-108. ISBN: 978-84-9134-747-7.
  • 2020. “Children's Books by Canonical Authors in the EFL Classroom”. English Language Teaching, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp. 100-112. ISSN 1916-4742 E-ISSN 1916-4750. DOI:10.5539/elt.v13n11p100
  • 2019. “Muerta pero no enterrada: Hannah Dustan y la creación de una comunidad norteamericana de memoria”. Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Literaris, XXIV: 37-54. doi: 10.7203/qdfed.24.16329. ISSN impreso: 1135-4178. ISSN Electrónico: 2444-1457.
  • “The Forgotten Victims of 9/11: Cultural Othering in Laila Halaby's Once in a Promised Landand Mohsin Hamid's The Reluctant Fundamentalist.” Studies in the Literary Imagination50, no. 2: 17-34. doi:10.1353/sli.2017.0010. ISNN: 00393819.
  • “Hybrid Subjects and Fluid Identities in Women’s Indian Captivity Narratives: The Stories of Frances Slocum and Olive Oatman”. Revista de Estudios Norteamericanosnº 19 (2015), Sevilla, Spain, pp. 133-150. ISSN 1133-309X.
  • “Teaching English as a foreign language in Spanish secondary schools: The value of literature”. English Teaching - Practice and Critique. May, 2013, Volume 12, Number 1: pp. 91-110. ISSN: 1175-8708.
  • Prisioneras de salvajes: relatos y confesiones de mujeres cautivas de indios norteamericanos. València: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de València. ISBN: 978-84-370-9015-3.
  • “A Narrative of the Life of Mrs Mary Jemison: Rhetorical Drag and the Defiance of Hegemonic Cultural Models”. Atlantis 32.1: 73-86. ISSN 0210-6124.
  • Truman Capote, un camaleón ante el espejo. València: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de València. ISBN: 978-84-370-7663-8.
  • La verdadera historia del cautiverio y restitución de la señora Mary Rowlandson. Estudio crítico. València: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de València: pp. 81-108. ISBN: 978-84-370-7026-1.