University of Valencia logo Logo LENA North American Ethnic Minority Literatures in a Global Context Logo del portal

What can we help with?

Teaching and Learning:

We offer the possibility of coordinating and/or teaching courses, workshops, and lectures related to our research areas in universities, secondary schools, and cultural institutions.


Research and cultural advisory:

Among the topics that we analyze and that we can engage as speakers, teachers, researchers, or advisors, we can mention the following: how to teach, read, and analyze the literature produced by ethnic minorities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico; how to apply decolonizing critical pedagogy and theory to one's research and teaching; how to understand and explain the history, culture, and traditions of ethnic minorities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico; the role of theoretical and social perspectives such as intersectionality, gender, race, and sexuality in American, Canadian, and Mexican literature; how to apply feminist, multicultural, postcolonial, and cross-border theory to literary and cultural texts produced by authors from ethnic minorities with respect for and commitment to their histories, epistemological traditions, interests, and goals; how ethnic identity has been built throughout history; what we understand by narratives of trauma and resistance; what is the relationship between North American literature and other artistic expressions (film, painting, photography); ethnic literatures as world literature; what is the current state of minority languages ​​and cultures in North America; What is the relationship that Amerindian peoples establish with ecology and sustainability through their cultural, social, spiritual and narrative practices.

Other issues and areas of study examined by members of this Research Group include studies of water and its ecosystems in American literature and culture; how the processes of construction of ethnicity, racism and social justice in North America are interrelated; the Civil Rights movement and its legacy in North America, social precariousness and the ethics of care, contemporary North American poetry and theater, literature written by immigrants and diasporic communities, Afro-descendants, transindigeneity, and indigenism in a context global.



The members of this research group carry out translations of this literary corpus and/or can advise and help other translators with the historical, cultural and literary contexts tackled by these works, identifying terminology in the target language that is culturally respectful and developing a translating methodology that is ethical and politically committed.


Organization of conferences and symposiums

We also organize national and international conferences, symposiums, and workshops focused on this area of ​​study and can collaborate in the organization of similar events as advisors or participants.