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  • Medina Lopez, Sofia Concepcion
  • Doctorand.
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  • Tortosa Signes, Lara
  • Doctorand.
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  • Segarra Montero, Rosa
  • Doctorand.
  • Alumn.
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  • Muslimovic Ortega, Anesa
  • Alumn.-Servei de Formacio Permanent
  • Doctorand.
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  • Vazquez Perez, Carlos David
  • Alumn.-Servei de Formacio Permanent
  • Doctorand.
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  • Izquierdo Marqueño, Irene
  • Doctorand.
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Collaborators of other entities

SAMIR DAYAL Bentley University
KALENDA EATON University of Oklahoma
ANDREA HERRERA University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
John Howard

King's College London

EWA ŁUCZAK University of Warsaw
Silvia martínaez-Falquina

Universidad de Zaragoza