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Researchers from the Chair for Regional Taxation present their work at the 5th Workshop on the Evaluation of Public Policies

  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • April 26th, 2024
Moment of one of the presentations.

Last 18 and 19 April, the 5th Workshop on the Evaluation of Public Policies took place at the Faculty of Economics at the Universitat de València.

This workshop was organised by the Chair for Regional Taxation and the EvalPub research group, the Regional Ministry of Finance, Economy and Public Administration of the Generalitat Valenciana and the Departament of Applied Economics of the Faculty of Economics at the UV.

In the 5th edition of this workshop, the following lectures were given by members of the Chair:

  • Rubén Amo, Rafael Granell, Amadeo Fuenmayor: ‘Integration of the Wealth Tax into the Personal Income Tax: microsimulation of reforms’ (orig. Integración del Impuesto sobre el Patrimonio en el IRPF: microsimulación de reformas)
  • Juan José Arnadillo, Amadeo Fuenmayor, Rafael Granell: ‘Simulation of a proposal for a wage supplement in Spain’ (orig. Simulación de una propuesta de complemento salarial en España)
  • Georgina Solaz, Teresa Savall, Amadeo Fuenmayor: ‘An evaluation of the efficiency of social services for the elderly: a DEA application’ (orig. La evaluación de la eficiencia de los servicios sociales para personas mayores: una aplicación DEA)
  • Gisela Rusteholz, Mauro Mediavilla: ‘Direct and indirect effects of bullying on academic performance’ (orig. Efectos directos e indirectos del acoso escolar en el rendimiento académico)

In addition, several researchers from the Chair acted as moderators in the different panels. Rafael Granell moderated the ‘wealth taxation’ panel; Teresa Savall moderated the ‘efficiency and quality of public services’ panel; Mauro Mediavilla moderated the ‘economics of education’ panel and Amadeo Fuenmayor moderated the ‘taxes, benefits and the labour market’ panel.
In this edition, the Workshop on Public Policies Evaluation was attended by Eusebio Monzó, Regional Secretary of Finance and Funding, and Ruth Merino, Regional Minister of Finance, Economy and Public Administration, at the opening and closing sessions, respectively.

Access to the program and presentations of the V Workshop on Public Policy Evaluation