This research group is interested in the analysis of human movement related to motor control and physical activity from a health perspective. Therefore, its interest is focused both on the dynamic, kinematic and electromyographic analysis during the performance of activities such as static balance and gait and the analysis of the amount of physical activity (voluntary movement) performed by people and the relationship of this with their health. On the other hand, the group also conducts research in other areas related to physical exercise, applying advanced data analysis techniques (e.g. neural networks, text mining, data mining). During the last 5 years the research group has published around 40 articles indexed in JCR, of which we highlight the following 5 for their importance in the opinion of the members of the group:
- González, L.-M., García-Massó, X., Pardo-Ibañez, A., Peset, F., & Devís-Devís, J. (2018). An author keyword analysis for mapping Sport Sciences. PLOS ONE, 13(8), e0201435.
- García-Massó, X., Ye-Lin, Y., Garcia-Casado, J., Querol, F., & Gonzalez, L.-M. (2019). Assessment of haemophilic arthropathy through balance analysis: A promising tool. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 22(4), 418-425.
- González, L.-M., Devís-Devís, J., Pellicer-Chenoll, M., Pans, M., Pardo-Ibañez, A., García-Massó, X., Peset, F., Garzón-Farinós, F., & Pérez-Samaniego, V. (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on Sport in Twitter: A Quantitative and Qualitative Content Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 4554.
- Maitre, J., Noé, F., González, L.-M., García-Massó, X., & Paillard, T. (2021). The tightening parameters of the vibratory devices modify their disturbing postural effects. Journal of Biomechanics, 126, 110624.
- Pellicer-Chenoll, M., Pans, M., Seifert, R., López-Cañada, E., García-Massó, X., Devís-Devís, J., & González, L.-M. (2021). Gender differences in bicycle sharing system usage in the city of Valencia. Sustainable Cities and Society, 65, 102556.
- To establish the muscle synergies that are developed during static and dynamic balance tasks.
- To determine the effects of different facilitators of motor learning and their possible interrelationships (e.g. feedback or focus of attention).
- To find out the amount of physical activity performed by different populations and its relationship with health.
- To analyse the relationships between non-motorised urban mobility and socio-demographic variables of the urban population.
- Physical activity as a protective health factor in special populations
In this line of research, studies are carried out to quantify the habitual physical activity of groups of people with some special situation, usually a pathology that affects the musculoskeletal system. In this way, the aim is to establish the effect of the practice of physical activity on parameters related to the health and functionality of these people.
- Analysis of postural control in different populations
To assess the postural control of different populations as well as its evolution during childhood and adolescence.
- PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
- Coordinador/a de Programa de Doctorat
- Alumn.-Servei de Formacio Permanent
- Adrià Marco Ahulló - Universitat de València.
- Gonzálo Monfort Torres - Universitat de València.
- ExpandirGONZALEZ MORENO, LUIS MILLANPDI-Catedratic/a d'UniversitatCoordinador/a de Programa de Doctorat
Blasco Ibáñez Campus
C/ Gascó Oliag, 3
46010 València (Valencia)
- PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
- Coordinador/a de Programa de Doctorat