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Research Group on Culture and Development - CyD


Culture as a resource for development. Practices, discourses and representations in contemporary modernising processes. The relationship between culture and the processes and imaginaries of development is a crucial element for the design of new policies, particularly those referring to the cultural and educational spheres, both in the countries of the North and the South. Traditionally, the concept of "development" has been associated with a predominantly economic and growth-related dimension. But the decision of the United Nations to adopt the Human Development Approach proposed by Amartya Sen has designed a new political landscape in which the income component is displaced as the main indicator of development, in favour of a reading of well-being that goes beyond economic growth. In this context, it is pertinent to ask ourselves about the value of culture in times of globalisation, in its two dimensions: as an articulating axis of resistance to the hegemonic discourses on the development model promulgated by some of the main international organisations, and as a product traversed by the market in the process of economic globalisation. Is it possible to think about "development" on the basis of a field (culture) which is problematic in its scientific status, its particular productivity and its dubious innovation? In this context, what deserves consideration, what has always constituted the object of study of the field of the Humanities? How to analyse, from this field, the artistic productions that promote certain representations of "development"? Undoubtedly, the cultural sphere has become a privileged place for representing development processes, giving them intelligibility and projecting social meanings onto them. It is therefore necessary to review the nature of these representations, as well as to analyse and historicise the place given to culture in the institutional design of development strategies and plans, in order to redefine the way in which artistic productions contribute to these processes and the most appropriate way to approach them.

Goals CT

Analysis of the different cultural expressions that have dealt with the problem of development since the end of World War II.

Research lines
  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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  • Alumn.-Servei de Formacio Permanent
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  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
  • Especialista Pau
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Scientific production by UV researcher
Contact group details
Culture and Development (CyD)

Blasco Ibáñez Campus

Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 32

46010 València (Valencia)

+34 963 864 304


Contact people
  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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