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Digitalisation and Policy Research Group - DIGIPOL

The purpose of the group is to study the influence of digitalisation on citizens, actors, institutions and political processes. In this sense, it is proposed to analyse various phenomena such as:


  • The impact of digitalisation on citizen participation and democratic quality.
  • The transformations of digitalisation in the forms of organisation and functioning of political actors, particularly parties.
  • The regulation of the digital performance of political actors.
  • The different ideological conceptions linked to digitisation policies in different countries.
  • Public Administrations as well as their policy impact.
  • The impact of digitisation on public policy making and evaluation.
  • The study of the changes in power relations in different institutions, groups and social movements brought about by digitalisation.
  • Digitalisation and transformations in the functioning of political systems (representation, transparency, integrity, accountability).
Religion, Law and Politics Research Group - REDEPOL

The research group “ReDePol” (acronym for “Religion, Law and Politics”) was created as a channel for the dissemination and intercommunication of all research and transfer activities related to the study of the legal regime of the religious factor - understood as an integral element of culture and collective identity - and its political and social consequences.

Despite the traditional difficulties in defining what is religious, it is undeniable that what is religious refers to man’s relationship with transcendence, a relationship that initially involves an act of rational and free acceptance by man, which is the act of faith. Thus the act of faith is the first and fundamental characteristic of the religious fact in today’s societies. Alongside this, religion has other essential components: doctrinal (beliefs), cultural (rituals) and moral (ethical behaviour). If we add to this the fact that the externalisation of human acts is an anthropological necessity, religion acquires a social dimension because it originates precisely in a human act (the act of faith). In other words, man has always proceeded in association for the expression and exercise of his religious feelings. Consequently, the religious phenomenon, which has its origin in an internal act, acquires a social or community dimension, which as such a society needs a juridical order to structure it [Ubi societas, ibi ius]. The juridical relevance of the religious fact is inscribed in its social significance. Religion operates in civil society, relates to other non-religious citizens, is subject to civil authorities... Consequently, the religious phenomenon is of public relevance for state law both in terms of foreseeing the civil consequences of religious behaviour, its relations with other members of the political community outside one’s own religion, or the subjection of confessions or groups of believers to state rules. This legal system is the object of study of the science of State Ecclesiastical Law. However, the religious phenomenon is not exhausted in its legal treatment, but must also be covered by the study of other social and human disciplines (psychology, anthropology, politics, philosophy, education, etc.). 

For this reason, this group was created with the aim of incorporating specialists from these disciplines, in order to complete a vision of the religious phenomenon from a global perspective.

Research Group on Culture and Development - CyD

Culture as a resource for development. Practices, discourses and representations in contemporary modernising processes. The relationship between culture and the processes and imaginaries of development is a crucial element for the design of new policies, particularly those referring to the cultural and educational spheres, both in the countries of the North and the South. Traditionally, the concept of "development" has been associated with a predominantly economic and growth-related dimension. But the decision of the United Nations to adopt the Human Development Approach proposed by Amartya Sen has designed a new political landscape in which the income component is displaced as the main indicator of development, in favour of a reading of well-being that goes beyond economic growth. In this context, it is pertinent to ask ourselves about the value of culture in times of globalisation, in its two dimensions: as an articulating axis of resistance to the hegemonic discourses on the development model promulgated by some of the main international organisations, and as a product traversed by the market in the process of economic globalisation. Is it possible to think about "development" on the basis of a field (culture) which is problematic in its scientific status, its particular productivity and its dubious innovation? In this context, what deserves consideration, what has always constituted the object of study of the field of the Humanities? How to analyse, from this field, the artistic productions that promote certain representations of "development"? Undoubtedly, the cultural sphere has become a privileged place for representing development processes, giving them intelligibility and projecting social meanings onto them. It is therefore necessary to review the nature of these representations, as well as to analyse and historicise the place given to culture in the institutional design of development strategies and plans, in order to redefine the way in which artistic productions contribute to these processes and the most appropriate way to approach them.

Research Group on Educational Policies, Interculturality and Society - POLISOC

The Research Group on Educational Policies, Interculturality and Society (POLISOC) is attached to the Department of Comparative Education and History of Education of the Universitat de València-Estudi General and is closely connected to the Unit for Research in Educational Policy (UNIPE). It was created with the triple objective of, on the one hand, sharing ideas and joining forces to create a space for reflection on educational policy issues; on the other hand, to create a meeting place where different professionals concerned with its study can come together; in this sense, it is constituted as a space and open space for work and reflection on crucial issues of education in our time with the aim of making visible and recovering a space of its own for the Politics of Education. It therefore aims to reclaim political deliberation.

Research is, finally, another fundamental objective of POLISOC, which commits it to the development and consolidation of interdisciplinary research groups in the contents and competences of Education Policy. The research group is currently made up of lecturers and researchers from different departments of the Universitat de València and from Italian and Portuguese universities. Its composition will vary depending on the research projects in progress, and may include staff hired for projects and research, as well as teaching staff from other national and foreign universities.

POLISOC's research activity is reflected in the participation of its members in nationally and internationally competitive research projects, either as researchers or as principal investigators. Among the R&D projects in which POLISOC members have participated are "Decentralisation and social participation as indicators of quality in the project, management and evaluation in schools and the education system" (GV-3200/95), "Training of democratic citizens. Education as a builder of identity and civic competence" (CTIDIB/2002/307), "Education and socialisation in values" (GV04B-174). They teach in the subjects of educational policy in the undergraduate and official master's degrees "Policy, management and direction of educational organisations", "Secondary education teaching staff", "Educational social action", "Psychopedagogy", of the UV, "Social change and educational professions" (UMA), as well as in the PhD programme in Education of the UV. Some of its members have carried out predoctoral, postdoctoral, research and Erasmus PDI stays in prestigious foreign universities (University of California Davis (USA), University of Exeter (UK), Universities of Salento and Verona (Italy), University of Örebro (Sweden), Federal University of Alagoas (Brazil), El Colegio de México, IISUE of the UNAM (Mexico), CEDIGSO of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (Mexico), Complutense University of Madrid, UNAM (Mexico), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UNED, Universidad de Loja (Ecuador), Universidad Federal de Alagoas (Brazil), Universidad Federal Fluminense (Brazil), Universidad Simón Bolivar (Colombia), Universidad de Norte (Colombia), Centro de Estudios Mundiales (Sorbonne Université, Paris), Université du Franche-Comté (France), Örebro University (Sweden), Universidad Agraria de La Habana, Universidad de Peruglia (Italy) and Universidad de Almería (Spain). It has organised or is preparing the following national and international seminars: National Seminar on Education Policy: teaching and research; International Seminar on Quality policies in the initial training of secondary school teachers and I and II Conference on Absenteeism in the Valencian Community. Likewise, members of the group have led and participated in Teaching Innovation Projects, and supervised pre-doctoral and post-doctoral stays. Another of its activities has consisted in carrying out reports, audits and advice to public and private entities. Some of the members of the POLISOC team also lead projects such as Refuteach: Applied Linguistics for the Inclusion of Refugees (UPM/University of Kent), and are also members of the following projects: EELISA: Opportunities for everyone (UPM/EU); Emancipatory practices and transformative decolonising methodologies (FLACSO); Grup d'Estudis Transversals (UA).

Some of the POLISOC group collaborators participate as members in the activities of the Grup de Recerca sobre Intervencions Socioeducatives en la Infància i la Joventut (GRISIJ, which stands for Research Group on Socio-educational Interventions for Children and Youth), of the University of Barcelona, having participated in the European Project PAGE (Parental Guidance and Education 2016-2018). Also noteworthy, and since the year of constitution of the group in 2017, is the participation of members of POLISOC in the research project: "Analysing the situation of students and the education system in compulsory education in the city of Valencia and its historical evolution, as well as the training of students in this area", a project drafted with the aim of developing the "School Map of the city of Valencia", and emerged at the initiative of the Department of Education of the City Council of Valencia, an initiative formalised through an agreement between the City Council of Valencia and the Universitat de València. The research team that has worked on the different reports of this project, disseminated in 2018 and in May and December 2019, was made up of fourteen professors of the Universitat de València from the faculties of Geography and History, Teacher Training, Philosophy and Education Sciences, Economics and Business Studies, and Social Sciences.

Among the projects currently underway or recently completed, the participation of POLISOC collaborators in the projects stands out:

  • "European Non-Territorial Autonomy Network. Reference: CA18114. Funding Entity: European Cooperation in Science and Technology. Call: 2018. Responsible researcher: Ivan Dodovski. Affiliation: University American College Skopje, North Macedonia Duration: 28/02/2019 - 27/02/2023. Amount: 300.000 €.
  • "The Spanish poetic engagement of the 20th century in the current academic canon (1975-2018). Referencia: PGC2018-093641-B-100. Funding entity: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Call: 2018. Researcher in charge: Miguel Ángel García. Affiliation entity: University of Granada, Spain. Duración: 01/01/2019-31/12/2021. Amount: €24,200.
  • "Reading and literary education: Antonio Machado, Juan Ramón Jiménez and Federico García Lorca in Spanish and Latin American school culture. A historical and pedagogical study". Reference: RTI2018-098692-B-100. Funding Entity: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Researcher in charge: Juan Carlos González Faraco. Affiliation entity: University of Huelva, Spain. Duration: 01/01/2019-31/12/2021. Amount: 28.600 €.
  • PID2020-114249GB-I00, "El giro copernicano en la política de educación y ciencia en el desarrollismo franquista: de la subsidiariedad a la intervención estatal", funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation. Researcher Antonio Canales UCM, Duration 01/01/2021-31/12/2024. Amount: 31.800 €.
  • GV/2021/126, "Implentación del enfoque educativo STEM en el desarrollo de competencias (EDUSTEM)", funded by the Dirección General de Ciencia e Investigación de la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana. Researcher in charge: Laura Monsalve Lorente. Duration: 01/01/2021- 31/12/2022. Amount: €20,000.

Among the recently completed projects, in addition to those already mentioned: "A Global Youth in the Making: the 200,000 Residents of the Cité internationale universitaire in 20th-Century Paris" Reference: ANR-17-CE28-0005. Funding Agency: Agence nationale de la recherche, France. Researcher in charge: Guillaume Tronchet. Affiliation: École Normale Supérieurey Institut d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, France. Duración: 01/09/2017-31/12/2020. Also noteworthy is the approval in 2020, by the Equality Unit of the Universitat de València, of the project assigned to another researcher of the POLISOC group: Personal stories of civil and feminist commitment for social change, within the framework of the Programme of Grants for the organisation of activities to promote equality between women and men of the Universitat de València. The POLISOC group has also been the starting point for the ABSENTIS sub-group, which is part of it. The ABSENTIS/POLISOC group, which focuses on the study of the dimensions, causes and consequences of truancy, has been carrying out research, collaboration and knowledge transfer tasks in this field, collaborating with various entities specialised in the prevention of truancy. Thus, as part of the research project "Truancy in the Valencian Community" (UV-INV-AE18-784553), financed by the Universitat de València, and "Truancy and the right to education in the Valencian Community, (GV/20019/136)", various publications, conferences, seminars and training courses have been supported in collaboration with various public and private entities. In relation to this last subject, the 2nd Conference on truancy: a community challenge was organised and held in November 2021, with the participation of different educational centres, local and regional administrations, and members of the research group from the Universitat de València and other universities.

In addition, many other seminars and conferences have been held to disseminate the results of research carried out by POLISOC members, or by members of other research teams with which POLISOC maintains collaborative links, including the most recent ones:

  • "Lecture-seminar "School segregation, a human rights and social justice issue", by Javier Murillo, professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Director of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), held in November 2021, in person and online.
  • "Lecture-seminar "Neoliberalism and the Spanish public university", by Alexandra Carrasco, in September 2021, offline and online.
  • "Conference: "Right to education and cultural identity", given on 20 May 2021, by the Professor of Theory and History of Education at the Universitat de València and director of the POLISOC group, Juan Manuel Fernández Soria. URL:
  • "Teaching innovation project: Visibilising voices and cultures in higher education. Politics and education", presented by the researcher Sandra García de Fez, on 28 May 2021. URL:
  • "Seminar: School absenteeism and social exclusion. A violation of the right to education", held on 18 December 2020, with the participation of: Mónica Añón Roig, technical advisor for Equality and Coexistence of the Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, José Ignacio Cruz Orozco (UV), and Sandra García de Fez (UV). URL:
  • "Conference-seminar: "From our feet on the ground so as not to remain on our knees. Considerations on the education pact", held on 11 December 2020, with the intervention of Professor Antonio Canales Serrano (Complutense University). URL:
  • "The single school district: A segregative education policy in itself?", presented by the researcher Sandra García de Fez, in December 2020. URL:
  • "Web seminar: "What does the General Education Act of 1970 tell us?", by Professor Diego Sevilla Merino, Professor of Educational Policy and Legislation at the University of Granada, held on 20 November 2020. URL:
  • "Round table: Women and interculturality. Personal stories of civil and feminist commitment for social change, held on 11 March 2020, and organised by professors Sandra García de Fez and Donatella Donato, with the participation of different social entities.
  • "Conference-seminar: "Cultural identity, citizenship and education" by Virginia Guichot, professor at the University of Seville, held on 15 November 2019.
  • "Conference: "Migrant minors and the right to education", held on 12 December 2018, with the intervention of Professor Jorge Cardona Llorens Professor of International Public Law at the Universitat de València.
  • "Seminar: "The governance of higher education in the Spanish context, Reflections on the influence of the European Union on the configuration of the Spanish university system", held on 12 January 2017, with Alexandra Carrasco, trainee researcher, as speaker.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the participation of the director of POLISOC, Professor Juan Manuel Fernández Soria, as a guest speaker at the International Colloquium: "Politiques éducatives et projets de société, discours et pratiques, 19e-21e siècles", held in June 2021 at the University of Orlèans, with the theme: "El discurso modernizador en la política educativa española del siglo XX" (The modernising discourse in 20th century Spanish educational policy).

Publications 2021

  1. Doctoral theses
    1. Neoliberal policies as processes of privatisation and commercialisation of the public university in Spain. The role of the European Union and the Spanish case in the European context. Doctoral thesis by Alexandra Carrasco, FPU of the Department of Comparative Education and History of Education. Director: Juan Manuel Fernández Soria. Doctoral Programme in Education RD 99/2011, research line "Historical, political and comparative studies of education".
  2. Books and book chapters
    1. Cinema as a pedagogical resource in Compulsory Secondary Education classrooms. Mª José Ruiz Romero and Laura Monsalve Lorente. In: Nuevas coordenadas para la formación y el aprendizaje, 2021, pp. 241-250.
    2. Neoliberal logics and social education: a critical look at socio-educational intervention. Vicent Horcas López and Elena Giménez Urraco. In: Nuevas coordenadas para la formación y el aprendizaje / coord. by Pilar Sanz-Cervera, María Dolores Soto González, Juan García Rubio, 2021, ISBN 9788418627088, pp. 111-120.
    3. Neoliberal logics and social education: a critical look at socio-educational intervention. Vicent Horcas López and Elena Giménez Urraco. In: Nuevas coordenadas para la formación y el aprendizaje / coord. by Pilar Sanz-Cervera, María Dolores Soto González, Juan García Rubio, 2021, ISBN 9788418627088, pp. 111-120.
    4. The College of Spain in Paris: a Franco-Spanish cultural crossroads. Mora-Luna, Antonia M.(coord.), Granada, Comares, 2021 (in press).
    5. "La production littéraire au service de la nation. Notes/remarques pour le professeur de littérature espagnole", Mora-Luna, Antonia María. In: Guido Furci and Cyril Verlingue (eds.), Je est un autre Nous. Enonciations collectives et stratégies de résistance, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2021 (in press).
  3. Articles in specialist journals
    1. Career, work and pedagogical culture of Antonio Ballesteros Usano. José Ignacio Cruz Orozco. Perfiles educativos, vol. XLIII, núm. 173, 2021 2
    2. Facing silent disentailment: Strategies of Spanish Catholic education, José Ignacio Cruz Orozco. Education XX1: Journal of the Faculty of Education, 2021.
    3. The modalities of teaching in the new normality for the academic year 2020-21 in Spanish public universities, Cristina Pulido Montes, and Santiago Mengual-Andrés. IJERI: International journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 2021.
    4. Privatising trends in the European higher education funding model: European Union proposals and analysis of affordable access, Alexandra Carrasco González. Spanish Journal of Comparative Education, 2021.
    5. Introduction: 50 years after the General Education Law of 1970, Juan Manuel Fernández Soria, and Diego Sevilla Merino. Historia y Memoria de la Educación 2021. 
    6. The General Education Law of 1970, a law for the modernisation of Spain?, Juan Manuel Fernández Soria, and Diego Sevilla Merino. Historia y Memoria de la Educación 2021.
    7. Validating the Gratifications Associated with the Use of the Smartphone and the Internet by 
    8. University Students in Chile, Ecuador and Spain, R. Tirado-Morueta, A. García-Umaña, and S. Mengual-Andrés. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 2021. doi: 10.1080/17475759.2021.1898449
    9. Opportunities and Hazards of the Internet for Students with Intellectual Disabilities: The Views of Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers, E. Chiner, M. Gómez-Puerta, and S. Mengual-Andrés. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 2021. doi: 10.1080/1034912X.2019.1696950
    10. Chatbot to improve learning punctuation in Spanish and to enhance open and flexible learning environments. Esteban Vázquez-Cano, Santiago Mengual-Andrés, and Eloy López-Meneses.
    11. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 2021. doi: 10.1186/s41239-02100269-8
    12. Prevalence of sexting in young university adults: motivation and risk perception, Laura Monsalve Lorente and Enrique García Tort. Psychology, Sociology & Education 2021.
    13. The online classroom as a séance: Challenges and strategies in the face of pandemic pedagogies. Dulcinea Tomás Cámara. Atenas. Scientific-pedagogical journal, 4 (56).
    14. Undisciplined disciplines? Exercises in epistemic diversity for an inverse matrix pedagogy. Dulcinea Tomás Cámara. Trenzar. Revista de Educación Popular, Pedagogía Crítica e Investigación Militante, 6 (3), pp. 96-114.
    15. Education and literature in late Francoism and the Spanish democratic transition (II). Contenidos programáticos y experiencias editoriales (1982-1990)" Mora-Luna, Antonia María, History of Education & Children's Literature (2021) (in press).

Publications 2020

  1. Doctoral theses
    1. Discourses and non-explicit interests in Spanish educational reforms: the Organic Law on Education and the Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality. Doctoral thesis by María Torres Pellicer, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences Director: Juan Manuel Fernández Soria.
  2. Books and book chapters
    1. School absenteeism and social exclusion, a violation of the right to education. 
    2. José Ignacio Cruz Orozco and Sandra García de Fez (Editors). Editorial Tirant Humanidades. 
    3. From apprentices to university students: The configuration of the teaching profession, Juan Manuel Fernández Soria. In: Investigación educativa y cambio social 2020.
    4. Language and technology: A collaborative platform for the teaching-learning of varieties of Spanish. Rocío Díaz Bravo, Silvia Acid Carrillo, and Juan Manuel Fernández Soria. In: Educational Research and Innovation: Trends and Challenges 2020.
    5. Educational policies for the integration of ICT in Spain and the Valencian Community. Laura Monsalve Lorente, Enrique García Tort, Miriam Elisabeth Aguasanta Regalado. In: Estrategias didácticas digitales. Encounters between research and practice.
    6. European Union strategies and gender equality initiatives in STEM. Laura Monsalve Lorente and Juan García Rubio. In: Pedagogy and cultural changes in the 21st century.
    7. Towards an inclusive and democratic education in the context of secondary education in Italy Mª Teresa di Piazza, Isabel María Gallardo Fernández, Laura Monsalve Lorente. In: Claves para la innovación pedagógica ante los nuevos retos
    8. Covidosofía. Philosophical reflections for the post-pandemic world. Dulcinea Tomás Cámara (Comp.) Barcelona: Paidós.
    9. Critical Thinking Lab: Maieutics for Millenials. Dulcinea Tomás Cámara. In E.J. Díez Gutiérrez and J.R. Rodríguez Fernández (Eds.), Educación para el Bien Común Hacia una práctica crítica, inclusiva y comprometida socialmente, pp. 242-251. Barcelona: Editorial Octaedro.
    10. Absenteeism at school and municipal intervention: an analysis of the Valencian Community. José Ignacio Cruz Orozco and Vicent Horcas López. In: Absentemo escolar y exclusión social: una vulneración del derecho a la educación / José Ignacio Cruz Orozco (ed. lit.) and Sandra García de Fez (ed. lit.), 2020, ISBN 9788418155857, pp. 55-78.
    11. " 20th century poetry and commitment in the Spanish school culture of the transition". Mora-Luna, Antonia María. In: Miguel Ángel García (ed.), El compromiso en la poesía española del siglo XX y el canon académico actual, Granada, Editorial Comares, 2020, pp. 275-306. ISBN: 978-84-1369-026-1
    12. Cruz Orozco, José Ignacio (2020), Pending revolution and socialisation of youth. The political utopia of the Spanish Falange in Bares, Juan de and Oncina, Faistino (coords.) Utopías y ucronías. Una aproximación histórico-conceptual, Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra, pp. 229-250 Year:) ISBN: 978-84-7290-947-2.
    13. Monsalve Lorente, Laura (2020), Towards an inclusive and democratic education in the context of secondary education in Italy. In: Claves para la innovación pedagógica ante los nuevos retos: respuestas en la vanguardia de la práctica educativa / coord.. by Eloy López Meneses, David Cobos Sanchiz, Laura Molina García, Alicia Jaén Martínez, Antonio Hilario Martín Padilla, Editorial Octaedro, pp.... 545-553. ISBN 978-84-18348-22-8
    14. Monsalve Lorente, Laura, García Tort, Enrique and Aguasanta Regalado, Miriam Elizabeth(2020). Educational policies for the integration of ICT in Spain and the Valencian Community. In: Estrategias didácticas digitales: Encuentros entre la investigación y la práctica / coord. Diana Marín Suelves and José Peirats Chacón. Editorial Calambur. Pp. 43-62. ISBN 978-84-8359-499-5
  3. Articles in specialist journals
    1. Neoliberal higher education policies as a response to a new state model. Pro-market practices in the public university, Alexandra Carrasco González. Journal of Higher Education 2020.
    2. Structural model of extrinsic factors influencing flipped learning, Santiago MengualAndrés, Jesús López Belmonte, Arturo Fuentes Cabrera, and Santiago Pozo Sánchez. Education XX1: Journal of the Faculty of Education 2020.
    3. School absenteeism in Spain. Datos y reflexiones, José Ignacio Cruz Orozco. Contextos educativos: Revista de educación 2020.
    4. Cultural identity and the right to education, Juan Manuel Fernández Soria. Contextos educativos: Revista de educación 2020.
    5. Computational thinking and coding in primary education: scientific productivity on SCOPUS, Annalisa Piazza, and Santiago Mengual-Andrés. Pixel-Bit: Journal of media and education 2020.
    6. Internet and people with intellectual disability: A bibliometric analysis, S. Mengual-Andrés, E. Chiner, and M. Gómez-Puerta. Sustainability (Switzerland) 2020. doi: 10.3390/su122310051
    7. Computational thinking and coding in primary education: Scientific productivity on SCOPUS, 
    8. A. Piazza, and S. Mengual-Andrés. Pixel-Bit, Journal of Media and Education 2020. doi: 10.12795/pixelbit.79769
    9. Structural model of influential extrinsic factors in flipped learning, S. Mengual-Andrés, J. López Belmonte, A. Fuentes Cabrera, and S. Pozo Sánchez. Educacion XX1 2020. doi: 10.5944/educxx1.23840
    10. New learning ecologies in the curriculum, Laura Monsalve Lorente and Miriam Elizabeth Aguasanta Regalado. RELATEC: Latin American Journal of Educational Technology 2020
    11. Epistemologíx transmodernx: Alternative genealogies of thought in the face of the pandemic. Dulcinea Tomás Cámara. Cuadernos Abiertos de Crítica y Coproducción: Autores colectivos institución y coproducción, 2, pp. 10-23.
    12. The classroom as space of welcome: Exploration of the current challenges of teaching Spanish for refugees. Dulcinea Tomás Cámara. Culture and Education, 32(4), pp. 776-795.

Publications 2019

  1. Books and book chapters
    1. Teaching and learning the promotion of health education in schools. Laura Monsalve Lorente and Engracia Soler Pardo. In: Re-inventing research in health and education for a transcultural society.
    2. Emerging technologies and didactic trends in educational scenarios. Arturo Fuentes Cabrera, Eloy López Meneses, Jesús López Belmonte, Santiago Mengual-Andrés (coord.). Editorial Octaedro.
    3. "Miguel Hernández and Portuguese Neo-Realism: childhood in the literature of commitment". Mora-Luna, Antonia María. In: Carina Infante do Carmo and Violante F. Magalhães (coords.), NeoRealismo e Infância, Lisbon, Edições Colibri, 2019, pp. 181-195.ISBN: 978-989-689-839-7.
    4. José Ignacio Cruz Orozco, (2019, While we still don't like Spain, we can't have holidays. An approach to the camps of the Frente de Juventudes in the province of Valencia (1937-1955) in Mayordomo, A. and Paya, A, (eds.), Pedagogía. Thought, politics and practice. Historical readings in contemporary Valencian society, Valencia, Tirant humanidades, pp. 59-75.
    5. Laura Monsalve Lorente and Juan García Rubio. (2019). European Union strategies and gender equality initiatives in STEM, In: Pedagogy and cultural changes in the 21st century: rethinking education / coord. Laura Monsalve Lorente, Isabel Pardo Baldoví and María Isabel Vidal Esteve. Editorial Octaedro. Pp. 147-158 ISBN: 978-84-18083-18-1
  2. Articles in specialist journals
    1. When Franco falls: Educational proposals for Spain from exile (1945), José Ignacio Cruz Orozco, and Sandra García de Fez. History and Memory of Education 9, (2019) pp. 101-138.
    2. The destruction of republican modernity: No (...) reasons for the Spanish pedagogical exile, Juan Manuel Fernández Soria. History and Memory of Education.
    3. The pedagogical exile of 1939, Salomó Marquès Sureda, and José Ignacio Cruz Orozco. History and Memory of Education 2019.
    4. The Great Red Scourge. Arguments for the extension of Secondary Education in Spain (1953-1961), José Ignacio Cruz Orozco. Revista Complutense de Educación, vol.30, nº 4, (2019), pp. 983-996. ISSN: 1130-2496.
    5. José Ignacio Cruz Orozco, (2019), The proposal on education of the Commission for the Study of Spanish Problems (1945), History and Memory of Education, 9, pp. 669-710.
    6. Cruz Orozco, José Ignacio (2019), Two pedagogical models with and in nature: The Explorers of Spain and the Youth Front, Sarmiento. Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Historia da Educación, 22, pp. 37- 50.
    7. Cruz-Orozco, J.I.; Fernández-Soria, J.M. (2019), Conversations with Antonio Viñao. Formative years (1943-1982), Interuniversity Journal of the History of Education, (37) pp. 481-525. 
Research Group on European Security and Defence Studies - GEPOLCOM

The research is focused on the comparative analysis of democratisation and democratic quality processes in culturally, socially, economically and politically different countries and of the main threats to democratic stability in terms of both international security and the emergence of extremist groups within said democracies.

There is a collaboration with institutions such as the South African University of Stellenbosch's Centre for International and Comparative Politics and Military institutions of various countries.

Research Group on the Constitutional Legal Regime of Freedoms, Open Government and the Use of New Technologies - clrfoguit

Cotino (Director) has been the PI for three consecutive national projects on these issues, one focused on e-government (2005-2008), another on freedom and participation in the social web (2010-2012) and the current one on Open Government (2013-2015), a subject on which continuity is sought. The new R&D&I project of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness is pending resolution. It is entitled “The progress of Open Government. Constitutional legal regime of the implementation of transparency policies, access to information, open data, collaboration and participation, especially through ICTs and e-government” DER2015-65810-P (pending resolution). Cotino is also PI. The results are more than evident, both on the web and in hundreds of publications and papers. Besides some readjustments, this time the internationalisation is boosted by strengthening the foreign team. All the members of the team have worked and cooperated actively in recent years.


This UV group also includes two members who are not part of the Ministry’s project, two point researchers in Spain, Fernández Salmerón and Valero Torrijos, from Administrative Law.

The legal treatment of contents and freedoms on the Internet, liability of providers, hate speech, limits, censorship, etc. will continue to be addressed. On the other hand, given the relatively ethereal concept of open government and the predominance of other disciplines, a constitutional legal treatment is needed to legally decant, sediment and distil all these changes and advances that have just taken place in the last few years with respect to the contents of the concept of Open Government (transparency, participation, collaboration, open data, etc.) and its projection in the legal framework as well as the fundamental rights that are involved. Continuity is sought as we are at a crucial moment in the development of the Open Government. We are on the culmination of a process of fundamentalising the right to transparency and access to public information. This process has not been completed neither by the ECHR, nor the CJEU, nor, especially, by our Constitutional Court and Supreme Court. It is going to be especially important to analyse the interpretation by data protection authorities, transparency authorities, ombudsmen with jurisdiction over this area, and, of course, the ordinary and constitutional courts.


The aim is to analyse and monitor both the application of the transparency law and new administrative laws and reform of the law on re-use, the decree implementing the law on transparency, 2015, as well as the wave of regional laws in the 2013-2015 period in the autonomous community.

Beyond the mere normative analysis, it is a matter of taking into account the practical implementation and policies of open government policies, especially in Spain at the different town, region and state levels. It is a booming issue in 2015-16 in Spain. However, given the transnational nature of the phenomenon, it will also be monitored from a comparative and supranational European and Latin American perspective.

The aim is not only to analyse the constitutional legal development of open government, but also, as far as possible, to influence it on the different legal operators.
It has a solid experience in the dissemination of high quality legal content in classic formats (more than nine collective works and ten congresses), partly through or the Cyberlaw clinic and highly visible Twitter profiles of some of the members. In addition to generating and disseminating academic knowledge, it will be conducted an observatory of e-administration 2.0, an analysis of websites of Spanish and international reference; a document of practical legal recommendations and precautions.