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Analysis of three-dimensional models by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)
  • With the introduction of CBCT in orthodontic diagnostics we have improved the traditional two-dimensional model analysis.
  • Comparison of two-dimensional and three-dimensional model analysis.
  • Tooth size prediction studies using a digital programme.
Anàlisi de models tridimensionals mitjançant tomografia computada de feix cònic (CBCT)
  • Amb la introducció del CBCT en el diagnòstic ortodòncic hem millorat la tradicional anàlisi models en dues dimensions.
  • Comparació de l'anàlisi de models en dos i en tres dimensionals.
  • Estudis de predicció de grandàries dentàries mitjançant un programa digital.
Development of a digital method for the measurement and prediction of tooth size: Applications for determining changes in the Bolton Index.

Several studies on the analysis of models related to the prediction of tooth size, these are: Studies on plaster models. Studies of tooth size prediction using a digital programme developed by the research group itself. Studies of Bolton alterations.

Epidemiology and Oral Health

Study of the distribution of oral disease and related risk factors. Risk factors studied: cariogenic diet, oral hygiene habits, microbiology associated with oral diseases: caries and periodontal disease, socioeconomic factors, obesity, alcohol, tobacco.

Evidence-Based Dentistry

Search for published scientific information and analysis of data through systematic reviews and meta-analyses aimed at answering focused questions to facilitate clinical dental practice based on the best scientific evidence.

Need for orthodontic treatment and the psychosocial impact of dental aesthetics

Various studies related to the epidemiology of malocclusion, these are: Cross-sectional studies on the prevalence of malocclusion in a given population applying various occlusal or orthodontic treatment need indexes.

Speech disturbances of organic origin. Orofacial motricity

This line of research has two clearly differentiated objectives:

  1. To deepen our knowledge, assessment and treatment of speech disorders of organic, anatomical or structural aetiology.
  2. To deepen knowledge of oro-facial motor skills in repetition and associated with different activities.
Three-dimensional cephalometric analysis for the diagnosis and study of the orthodontic population

The introduction of diagnostic tools such as CBCT and its clinical application to 3D craniofacial imaging is one of the most interesting subjects in dentistry. One of the questions that arise in orthodontic diagnosis is the possibility of being guided by 3D cephalometry.