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300MHz NMR spectrometer for liquid-state samples

Small molecule structure elucidation: elucidation of connectivity, stereochemical configuration and conformation.

400MHz NMR spectrometer for liquid samples
  • Small molecule structure elucidation: elucidation of connectivity, stereochemical configuration and conformation.
  • Structural characterisation of nanoparticles and their interactions with substrates.
  • Mobility studies and molecular dynamics.
  • Monitoring of chemical processes: kinetics.
  • Determination of association and molecular interaction processes.
  • Studies at variable temperatures.
  • Observation of a wide variety of magnetic cores: 19F, 195Pt, 133Cs, 11B, 31P, 6Li, 29Si, etc.
400MHz NMR spectrometer for solid-state samples

Structural characterisation of solid materials and immobilised substances on solids.

It enables the analysis of very diverse materials:

  • Soil, wood, cellulose
  • Ceramic materials
  • Polymers
  • Polymorphs, glass, metal and alloys
  • Porous materials such as zeolites and aluminosilicates
  • Nanoparticles
  • Studies on solid organometallic complexes.
Access to large equipment

Access to the facilities of the Servei Central de Suport a la Investigació Experimental (SCSIE), which include infrared spectroscopy (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectrometry (MS), X-rays, etc.

Atomic force microscope NANOTEC S.L.

AFM NANOTEC S.L. with double dynamic card for Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy current amplifier and electrometer designed for picoampere measurements and coupled optical microscope.

Atomic force microscopy

Used for morphological and electrical characterisation with high spatial resolution of nanostructured or microstructured materials.

Biosensors based on optical transducers

The technique includes a specific setup for the measurement of different optical parameters of nanostructured materials or photonic/plasmonic nanostructures, including a basic fluidics/dispensing system for chemical sensing and biosensing experiments. This resource is part of the fibre optics laboratory.

Cell culture and conventional cytogenetics laboratory

Cell culture and conventional cytogenetics laboratory: equipped with CO2 incubators, phase contrast microscopy and laminar flow chambers.

Characterisation of fibres and fibre optic devices
  • Optical spectrum analysers (AQ6315A, 350-1750 nm, 50 pm; AQ6370C, 600-1700 nm, 20 pm; AQ6375, 1200-2400 nm, 50 pm; AQ6373B, 350-1700 nm, 20 pm).
  • Wavelength meter (WA-1650-89, 700-1650 nm, 0.2 pm).
  • Fusion splicers (FSM-20CS; FSM45PM-LDF).
  • Tunable lasers (Tunics-BT, 1500-1570 nm, 1 pm; Agilent 81940A, 1520-1630 nm, 1 pm; New Focus TLB-6321-P and TLB-6326-P).
  • Vector network analyser (Agilent E8364B, 50 GHz).
  • Oscilloscopes (Agilent Tech. Infiniium 86100C, 50 GHz, sampling; Agilent Tech. Infiniium DSO90254A, 2.5 GHz, real time; Keysight UXR0134A, real time - 13 GHz).
  • Electrical spectrum analysers (Anritsu, MS2665, 21 GHz; Agilent N9010A-532, 32 GHz).
  • Autocorrelators (Femtochrome, FR-103XL/IR, 800 - 1800 nm, pulses up to 185 ps; APE, PC-USB-150, 1500 - 2200 nm, pulses 50 fs - 150 ps).
Chemical characterization lab

Thermogravimetric and Differential Thermal Analyzer, Differential Scaning Calorimeter, HPLC, Langmuir, Potentiostat / Galvanostat, Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance (EQCM), Vertical laminar air flow cabinet, Spin coater, Layer by Layer, Metals thermal evaporator, Molecular thermal evaporator, Surface treatment and cleaning of the surfaces by plasma, Brewster angle microscope.

Chemistry Laboratory 1.1.6, 1.3.1,1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.3.4 y 1.5.1

Laboratory for organic synthesis and coordination chemistry. It is equipped with precision balances, cryogenic equipment, rotary evaporators, ultrasonic equipment, crystallisation systems, binocular magnifying glass, inert atmosphere synthesis, ovens, consumable equipment, etc.

Chemistry Laboratory No. 1.9.6,1.7.1, 1.7.2 at ICMol

Organic synthesis and coordination chemistry laboratories. It is equipped with precision balances, cryogenic equipment, rotary evaporators, ultrasonic equipment, crystallisation systems, binocular magnifying glasses, inert atmosphere synthesis, ovens, consumable equipment, etc.

Clean room

It is a class 10000 clean room, with a surface of 50 m2. The clean room is available and being used for the preparation of thin molecular films in a dust free environment, necessary for a flawless electronic characterization.A globe box from mbraun allows the manipulation of oxygen and moisture sensitive materials. The molecular thermal evaporator and the metal thermal evaporator are located inside the globe box, making possible the deposition of reactive materials such as Li, K, Ba, Ca and Mg.The clean room is shielded from UV radiation coming from illumination. This protects sensitive materials during the whole fabrication-measurement process.

Clúster de nodes de càlcul científic intensiu

Clúster d'ordinadors destinat al calcule intensiu de les propietats de tota mena de sistemes químics mitjançant la utilització dels mètodes de la Química Teòrica.

Detector CCD Jobin-Yvon

Detector CCD Jobin-Yvon cooled by Peltier.

Detector CCD Spectrum One

Detector CCD Spectrum One Jobin Yvon Spex cooled by liquid nitrogen.

Diamond wire saw

Brand WELL 4240.

Disc cutter

Brand Struers Accutom2.

Driving simulator

Driving simulator with steering wheel and pedals with force-feedback.

Drying oven (MOCVD)

Brand Schutzart Memmert.

Elemental Analyser

Equipment that performs analysis of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen.

Equipment for chemical analysis of surfaces by photoemission

This equipment allows the electronic and chemical characterisation of material surfaces and nanostructures by photoemission spectroscopy: XPS and UPS. It is equipped with an argon gun cleaning system and an electron gun.

Existing scientific equipment at ICMOL, SCSIE and the Universitat

ICMOL: Two SQUID magnetometers, a PPMS multi-measurement system, EPR, single crystal diffractometer, powder diffractometer, calorimeter, thermal analyser, Mössbauer spectrometer, IR, UV spectrometers, calculation units SCIE: Nuclear magnetic resonance, electron microscopy, elemental analysis, mass spectrometry, etc. Universitat: Computing Centre.

Extraction cabinet, acid handling

Brand Burdinola ST-1500.

FV1000 confocal laser microscope

Confocal microscope mounted on a motorised inverted IX81 which includes the following lenses: 10x, 20x, 40x (oil), 60x (oil), 60x (water). This equipment’s excitation lines are: 405nm, 488nm, 515nm, 559nm, 594nm y 635nm. Moreover, the equipment has an incubation system, which makes it the appropriate equipment for live-cell work.

FV1000MPE Multiphoton Confocal Microscope

Multiphoton confocal microscope mounted on a motorised BX61WI upright microscope equipped with a XPLN25xWMP water immersion lens exclusive to multiphoton microscopy, with a numerical aperture of 1.05 and a working distance of 2mm. It has a Mai-Tai HP DeepSee pulsed tunable laser (Spectra Physics) in the 690 to 1040nm range with an average power of 2.0 W. The infrared element of this laser allows for further penetration in the sample and causes less cell damage. The signal is picked up by four detectors covering the whole visible range (420-500/515-580/590-650/660-740).

FV10W confocal laser microscope

Fully motorised standard confocal equipment allowing for programmed acquisitions on several predefined areas. It has a dry 10x (NA 0,4) lens and a 60x (NA 1,2) water immersion one. The excitation lines are: 405nm, 473nm, 559nm y 635nm. This equipment is suited for live-cell experiments as it includes an incubator with temperature control.

Fibre diffraction grating recording system

Recording of short-period and long-period diffraction gratings in photosensitive optical fibres by irradiation with UV light from a 100 mW, 244 nm continuous wave laser. A hydrogenation system is available to improve photosensitivity. Multi-wavelength recording of gratings in the visible and infrared spectrum. Recording of uniform, chirped and apodised gratings.

Fibre optic manufacturing tower

High-temperature furnace and stretching system for the manufacture of silica photonic crystal fibres with different microstructures from commercial silica tubes and cylinders. Conventional fibres can be manufactured from preforms prepared in other laboratories.

Field emission scanning electron microscope

Scanning electron microscope with field emission gun (FEG) and a resolution of 1.4 nm to 1 kV.

Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (FAAS)

Equipment for the analysis of metals and inorganic elements.

Fluorescence Spectrometer

Equipment that determines the fluorescence of a substance or material that is capable of absorbing energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation and then emitting part of that energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation of a different wavelength.

Formulaction Turbiscan Lab

This equipment allows us to control the physical stability of suspensions and emulsions, detecting the phenomena of coalescence, flocculation, sedimentation or phase separation that can occur in these types of systems. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine the stability properties of samples with size ranges between 5 nm and 1 mm, even with high concentrations.

Graphitizing system with vacuum equipment

In-house construction with pumps: primary pulley pump, secondary oil pump.

HORIBA Jobin Yvon iHR320 RAMAN spectrometer with Peltier-cooled CCD and three 532 nm doubled YAG, 781nm and 464nm lasers

HORIBA Jobin Yvon iHR320 RAMAN spectrometer with Peltier-cooled CCD and three 532 nm doubled YAG, 781nm and 464nm lasers. Equipped with microscopic focusing heads with fibre optic connections as well as a micrometric positioner. The power of the different lasers varies from 1 to 70 mW, 1 to 254mW and 1 to 15 mW, respectively. Measurements are carried out at room temperature, directly without sample taking or sample preparation.

HPLC chromatograph

HPLC chromatograph equipped with diode array detector and chiral stationary phase HPLC columns for the determination of the enantiomer ratio in chiral product samples.

HRI Laboratory

Provisional laboratory in the School of Engineering of the Universitat de València, in block 2, floor 2, door 0a (2.2.0a).


200kV field emission transmission electron microscope (FEG) with a resolution (Point Resolution) of 0.24nm. It’s equipped with a CCD GATAN camera and “Digital Micrograph”, a Software for image acquisition and treatment. This equipment allows to make HRTEM images, electron diffraction patterns and spectroscopic techniques such as EDS and Mapping. It also includes a “Double-Tilt” sample holder, which allows for a complete sample orientation.

High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Laboratory equipped with a 14 T superconducting magnet in an optical window for transport and magneto-optical measurements. Temperature controllers, nanovoltmeter, current source and switching system and all the auxiliary elements (vacuum pumps, etc.) necessary for the operation of the laboratory.

High Pressure Laboratory

This laboratory has all the necessary instrumentation for sample preparation and loading of different diamond cells, including membrane cell pressure control systems, the EDM system for joint preparation and cell loading systems with noble gases up to 1500 bar.

High resolution ion scanning microscope ORION NanoFab HIM Zeiss

The ORION NanoFab is an ion microscope designed for the fabrication of nanostructures less than 10 nm using a helium beam. The neon beam allows for an increased the rate of nanostructure formation, thus improving efficiency and performance. The ORION is also capable of acquiring images with a resolution of up to 0.5 nm.

High-resolution Raman microscopy

Amplifying Raman scattering by resonance techniques (either with the material or by coupling with plasmons in metallic nanostructures).

Histopathology Laboratory

Histopathology Laboratory: automated parts processors and slide microtomy.

Horizontal graphite oven, 1 zone

Self-built, (lenght. 29 cm / 5 cm Ø).

Horizontal oven with quartz bottle, 1 zone

Brand CHESA, (lenght. 78 cm / 10 cm Ø).

Horizontal oven, 10 zones

Brand CHESA, (lenght. 105 cm / 8 cm Ø).

Horizontal oven, two zones (gas-ready)

Brand CHESA, (lenght. 50 cm / 4,5 cm Ø).

Horno Czochralski, 1 zone

Self-built, (lenght. 15 cm / 5 cm Ø).

Horno Czochralski, 1 zone

Brand UAM, (lenght 30 cm / 7,5 cm Ø).

Hydrogen purifier

Brand Johnson Matthey EP40.

Immunohistochemistry laboratory

Immunohistochemistry Laboratory: histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. Instruments: sliding and freezing microtomy, microwave oven, balances, pH meters, various reagents, Beecher TMA tissue matrix processing equipment and automated immunostaining system (Dako Autostainer LINK48).

Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer with Mass Detector (ICP-MS)

Equipment for the analysis of metals and inorganic elements at trace level.

Ion-Argon laser model INNOVA 301C

Láser de ion Argon modelo INNOVA 301C con emisión en 488 nm (1 W) y 514.5 (2W).

Ionic polishing machine

Brand Fischione 1010.

Laboratory for organic synthesis

Laboratory for organic synthesis, equipped with fume hoods with vacuum lines and inert gases for carrying out organic reactions under inert atmosphere under safe and hygienic conditions.

Laminar flow cabinet

Brand Telstar AV-100.

Laser Heating Laboratory

This laboratory includes a diamond cell laser heating system (using 100 W IR lasers) combined with a temperature measurement system and Raman spectroscopy equipment, for the study of P-T phase diagrams up to 100 Gpa pressures and 4000 K temperatures.

Laser laboratory

The laboratory is equipped with 1.06 micron (CO2), 1064 nm (Nd:YAG) and 355 nm (frequency-triple Nd:YAG) wavelength lasers. All these lasers are equipped with galvanometric mirror beam steering systems.

Leak detector

Brand Alcatel ASMT42.


Solvent removal and drying of samples under mild conditions.

MOCVD system reactor and control cabinet

Brand Quantax 226.

Malvern Mastersizer 2000

With a measuring range from 0.1?m to 3 mm, this equipment is a standard used in numerous industries for the characterisation of both raw materials (ceramics, cements) and materials in production (paints, pharmaceutical sector...). We have both dry and wet measurement systems, which gives us greater versatility in terms of the type of samples that can be analysed, allowing us to work on massive samples as well as on products of which small quantities are available.

Malvern Zetasizer ZS

Using DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering) technology, the Zetasizer can characterise the size distributions of suspensions between a few nanometres and 1?m.

The characterisation of nanomaterials is a task of vital importance in the research field of our Institute, but industrial sectors are increasingly investing in this type of materials.

Currently, companies from sectors as diverse as pharmaceuticals, pigments and paints, biomaterials, water purification and polymers, to name but a few, are users of our service.

The equipment also allows the characterisation of the Zeta Potential of the suspensions under study, providing relevant information about the stability of the suspensions depending on different parameters (pH, concentration, ionic strength of the medium...). The equipment also has the option of working in static mode (SLS), which makes it possible to determine the molecular weight of polymers, macromolecules and proteins.

Manufacture of nanomaterials and nanodevices

This laboratory includes all machines, systems and equipment related to nanomaterial synthesis (metal nanoparticles, colloidal quantum dots, magnetic and insulating nanoparticles, multifunctional polymers...) and device fabrication (UV photolithography, electron beam lithography, evaporation deposition, sputtering deposition, laser ablation deposition, PECVD, Spray-CVD and RTP deposition, profilometer, spin-coaters, plasma cleaning, ...). All the equipment included in this laboratory has an approximate value of around 1.25 M.

Materials preparation laboratory

Chemistry laboratory that allows the preparation, both wet and solid-state, of oxidic and non-oxidic materials and nanomaterials. It is equipped with controlled atmosphere furnaces up to 1500ºC, lyophilisers, rotary evaporators, centrifuges, hydrothermal synthesis systems, planetary mills, in addition to the conventional equipment of a laboratory of these characteristics.

Mechanical Properties

Equipped with a hydraulic press, mechanical testing machine in bending, tension and compression, with load cells of several kN. Dynamomechanical analysis. Rheological analysis.

Mechanical polishing machine

Brand Logitech PM5.

Mechanical polishing machine

Brand Struers DAP V.

Molecular Pathology Laboratory

Molecular Pathology Laboratory: Fluorescent In Situ Hybridisation (FISH), Multiplex Amplified Probe Ligation (MLPA), single nucleotide polymorphism (aSNP) and sequencing (NGS) techniques. Instruments: baths, ovens, Nanodrop, sample homogeniser (FastPrep), thermal cyclers, hybridisation plate (Thernobrite), autoclave and microscopes for immunofluorescence with multiple filters (Axioplan2 Zeiss and Olympus BX-41) with video camera and software for image capture (Metasystem and Cell).

Molecular nanomagnetism lab

Magneto-electroluminiscence (MEL) and magneto-transport equipment, Kerr Magnetometer, Attocube Low Temperature Magnetic Force Microscope (LT-MFM) and Low Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope (LT-STM), High Vacuum Scanning Probe Microscope (HV-SPM), Multimode Scanning Probe Microscope, Optical microscope, Atomic Force Microspe (AFM), Goniometer with Dropimage Standard v2.3 equiped with an automated dispensing system, Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometer.

Morphometry Laboratory

Morphometry Laboratory: Morphometric techniques. Instruments: computerised microscopic equipment for Image analysis with the following software: Image Pro-Plus software, AperioImageScope and Panoramic viewer and AngioPath.

Multielemental Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (FAAS)

Equipment that performs analysis of metals and inorganic elements.

Optical Microspectroscopy and FTIR Laboratory

The laboratory has several diamond cell microspectroscopy systems, including UV-NIR sources, microscope benches, spectrometers and detectors for absorption and photomuminescence at high pressures and low temperatures. It also has two FTIR spectroscopy systems covering the near-mid and far IR range. Both systems are adapted for diamond cell spectroscopy at low temperatures. One of them is housed in a vacuum enclosure and includes a silicon bolometer, which allows reaching up to about 20 cm-1 in the far IR).

Optical Spectroscopy for Nanosciences

This laboratory has different laser sources (pulsed and continuous wave), light scattering systems (spectrometers), single and multichannel detectors of very low signal (single photon), ultra-fast detection system and a confocal microscope for the study of optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures and other nanomaterials between 4 and 300 K. All the equipment included in this laboratory has an approximate value of around 1M.

Optical fibre narrowing by fusion and stretching

Equipment for the post-processing of optical fibre by melting and stretching short sections of optical fibre. Preparation of centimetre sections with micrometric precision. preparation of silica nanofibres and microcavities.

Optical microscope

Brand Olympus BX51.

Particle laboratory

Laboratory for the measurement of particle size and shape, as well as their state of aggregation, porosity and composition. It allows the study of samples of very diverse nature, stability and size ranges. It consists of Malvern Zetasizer ZS, Malvern Mastersizer 2000, Formulaction TurbiscanLab... In addition, access to the electron microscopes of the UV's Central Experimental Research Support Services allows the information obtained by these techniques to be completed.

Photonics, Plasmonics, Sensors and Devices

This laboratory includes several simple techniques for the optical characterisation of photonic/plasmonic structures and optoelectronic devices at room temperature: reflectivity/transmission, photocurrent, conductivity, electrical parameters with frequency, coupling and analysis of guided light in visible and NIR, optical birefringence, including for this purpose a spectrometer, several mini-spectrographs, diode lasers in visible and NIR, a tunable laser around 1550 nm, an elasto-optical modulator, a mini Raman equipment, head and electronics for near-field microscopy, several tunable amplifiers, electrical measurement equipment,. .. All the equipment included in this laboratory has an approximate value of around 200k.

Physical characterization lab

SQUID magnetometer, Physical properties measurement system, Profilometer, X and Q band EPR spectrometer with additional Pulsed X-band, Kerr Magnetometer and Magneto-Transport, Mossbauer Spectrometer, Powder X-ray diffractometer, X-Ray Diffractometer, Solar simulation equipement.

Pirómetro de infrarrojos

Brand OPTRIS CTlaser, 3MH-CF4.

Polymer synthesis

Equipped with different reactors for the synthesis of polymers in dissolution and in solid form.

Portable EDXRF spectrometer

Portable EDXRF spectrometer for non-destructive in situ analysis. It consists of a 30 kV-1 mA excitation source and a 160 eV energy-resolution Si-PIN semiconductor detector, mounted on a mechanical support with three degrees of freedom.

QCEXVAL Computing Unit

The resources available to our research group can be grouped into our own resources and those of free access offered by the Universitat de València, such as the Lluis Vives and Tirant high-performance computing servers, managed by the Information Systems Service. Within our own servers, we have two computing clusters: the first one is composed of equipment with Intel i7, Intel i9 and Intel Xeon processors, as well as two Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080Ti GPUs, consisting of 28 nodes that provide 456 processors and 1332 GB of RAM. The second cluster, newly acquired, consists of three machines with AMD Threadripper PRO 3975WX processors, interconnected via a high-speed network (10 GB/s), providing a total of 192 processors and 768 GB of RAM. This is rounded off by a NAS backup system with 15 TB of storage space.

Raman Emission Spectrometer

Equipment that performs determinations of materials by Raman Spectrophotometry coupled to a confocal microscope.

Raman Spectroscopy Laboratory

Raman laboratory equipped with a T64000 triple spectrometer, a microscopic input (olympus microscope), 244 nm, 325 nm, 30 W Ar, 6 W Ar-Kr lasers, cryostats, high temperature cell, various optical and mechanical equipment.

Rapid annealing system

Brand ULVAC mila-5000.

Refrigerantes de inmersión

Immersion coolants for controlled low-temperature reactions.

Robotic platform Eddie

Mobile robot in differential configuration for navigation in indoor spaces.

Robotic platform Summit

Mobile robot in Ackermann configuration for navigation in outdoor spaces.

Scientific equipment available at ICMol and at SCSIE

ICMol: two SQUID magnetometers, a PPMS multi-measurement system, EPR, single crystal diffractometer, powder diffractometer, calorimeter, thermal analyser, Mössbauer spectrometer, IR and UV spectrometers, etc. SCSIE: Nuclear magnetic resonance, electron microscopy, etc.

Search of viable solutions for the detection of specific chemical compounds, at the company’s request

System design for the detection of different species.

Sensors, actuators and mini PCs

Sensors of different characteristics (angle encoders, lidar, ultrasound, infrared, 2d and 3d cameras, etc.), actuators (dc motors, servos, etc.), processing systems with limited resources (Raspberry Pi 3b, Raspberry Pi 4, Odroid 2, IGEP, etc.) and systems based on microcontrollers (Arduino Nano/Uno/Mega, PIC, dsPIC, etc.).

Spectrometer Acton Spectra Pro-2556

Acton Spectra Pro-2556 spectrometer from Princeton Instruments. 500 mm focal length with three interchangeable diffraction gratings.

Spectrometer TRIAX190

TRIAX190 spectrometer with 190 mm focal length and two optical outputs prepared for imaging and resolution, respectively.

Statistical analysis

The UV Statistics Unit works with experts in the use of computer equipment and specific software. The main software used for data analysis is the free R Software.

Super-resolution Confocal Microscope LSM 980

Super-resolution confocal microscope LCS 980 has the following objectives: 10x, 20x, 25x (oil), 40x (water) and 63x (oil), 60x. The excitation lines present in this equipment are: 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 639nm. This equipment also has an incubation system, which makes it suitable for working with live cells. This equipment incorporates the Airyscan 2 and Elyra 7 super-resolution systems.

Surface and porosity analysis laboratory

Surface and porosity analysis equipment ASAP2010 and ASAP2020. They allow an evaluation of surface area, pore size and volume by adsorption of different gases: nitrogen, argon, CO2, etc. AccuPyc II 1340 pycnometer for measuring the density of the skeleton of solids using Helium Gas.

Synthesis laboratory under extreme conditions

This laboratory has several large volume presses and cells for the synthesis of materials under high pressure and high temperature conditions, as well as the necessary instrumentation for their control.

Synthesis laboratory

Laboratory for the synthesis of materials and nanomaterials by chemical processes with innovative properties.


High-contrast 120Kv transmission electron microscope with 20 Mpx CMOS EMSIS XAROSA digital camera.

TEM JEOL jem 1010 100Kv

High contrast 100 Kv transmission electron microscope with 8 Mpx AMT digital camera.

TEM cross-section preparation kit

Brand GATAN.

The Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) SCIOS 2 FIB-SEM

The Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope with focused ion beam (FIB). Counts with the EDX microanalysis, cryo option for the observation of frozen samples and variable pressure.

Thin Film Laboratory

Laboratory for the deposition of thin films of semiconductors, insulators or metals by means of pulsed laser, evaporative or sputter deposition equipment.

Two horizontal ovens, 2 zones

Brand CHESA, (lenght. 50 cm / 4 cm Ø).

Two vertical ovens, four zones

Brand CHESA, (lenght. 50 cm / 4 cm Ø).

Ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer (UV-vis)

UV-Vis spectroscopy equipment based on the process of absorption of ultraviolet-visible radiation (radiation with a wavelength between 160 and 780 nm) by a molecule, which allows us to identify the functional groups present in a molecule.

Vertical oven, 7 zones

Self-built (lenght. ˜ 85 cm / 4 cm Ø).