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The 1st Symposium of the Chair for Traditional Music and DanceUV has been a success

  • Traditional Music and Dance Chair
  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • November 3rd, 2023
A moment during the symposium

The 1st Symposium of the Chair for Traditional Music and Dance: "Un vistazo al panorama actual: perspectivas, rupturas, amenazas y fortalezas".

The 1st Symposium on Traditional Music and Dance was held in the Joan Fuster Hall of the Faculty of Geography and History on 26 and 27 October: “A glance at the current panorama: persistence, ruptures, threats and strengths” was organised by the Chair for Traditional Music and Dance and directed by professors of the Department of Art History, Enric Olivares and Sergi Doménech.

The aim of this Symposium was to create a forum that periodically brings together researchers, performers, cultural agents, managers, associations and fans of Valencian traditional music, ritual and popular dances and festive theatricality.

During these two days, around forty specialists in different areas attended the event andprovided a great overview of the current panorama of popular culture in our territory through lectures, papers, book presentations, activities and didactic materials.