UVdocència:UVdocènciaUniversitat de València Logo del portal




  • Who's the person in charge of COVID at UV?

    Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla, Vice-principal of Research

  • Which are the basic prevention measures that I must respect within the UV facilities?

    In the UV facilities, you should respect the general measures to prevent the transmission of the disease: hand hygiene, use of masks as much as possible and maintain the recommended safety distance of one and a half meters between people.

    In addition, if prescribed by your doctor, you should stay at home.

    We recommend that you inquire the Conselleria (Regional Department) section of this website, on action in cases of contagion or quarantine, for information on these situations.

  • How have preventive measures been organised against COVID-19 during this period?

    Before starting 2021-2022 school year, the UV introduced, in a coordinated way, the preventive measures against COVID-19 recommended by health authorities into the five Valencian public universities: 

    • Reorganisation of spaces, circulation and furniture to guarantee the interpersonal distance recommended in common spaces. 
    • Limited capacity in classrooms, meeting rooms, assembly halls, toilets and lifts.
    • Installation of protective screens in customer service workplaces. 
    • Installation of hydro-alcoholic solution dispensers at the entrances of the buildings and in those spaces where there is a major people flow. 
    • Revision and adaptation of the ventilation systems to minimise the re-circulation of indoor air and guarantee its renewal by means of a natural and/or mechanical ventilation, according to health authorities' recommendations. 
    • Increase in cleaning and disinfection service. 
    • Increase in the information service and access control. 
    • Prioritisation of telematic and telephonic attention. 
    • CO2 monitoring in classrooms to allow follow-up and assessment of ventilation measures.
  • What information should I know about COVID-19?

    The COVID reference persons at a centre (Faculty or College) must be familiar with the following information:

    • UV internal regulations:
      • Agreement of September 6 2021, reached by the Department of Universal Health and Public Health, the Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society and the Universities of the Valencian Country, in regards to the beginning of the 2021-2022 academic year:
      • ACGUV 167/2021 Agreement, dated 29 June 2021, for the approval of the teaching planning of Universitat de València's official degrees in the 2021-2022 academic year:
      • Action protocol for the 2021/22 academic year, ratified on September 6 2021 by the Department of Universal Health and Public Health, the Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society and the Universities of the Valencian Country:
      • Instruction IUV17/2020, of 9 September, from the Management on preventive measures as a result of the situation generated by the transmission of COVID-19.
      • Instruction IUV 3/2021, of 2 February, from the Management of modification of instruction IUV 17/2020 about the preventive measures introduced as consequence of the situation caused by the spread of COVID-19.
    • Frequently asked questions addressed to UV students
    • Frequently asked questions addressed to UV staff

    Any additional information of interest will be published on this website.

  • Do I have the obligation to notify to the Health and Safety Environmental Quality Service that I was diagnosed with the virus? Is this information confidential?

    You have the obligation to notify your case to the Health and Safety Environmental Quality Service at covid@uv.es or by other means specified in their website, assuming you’ve stayed in any of the university buildings for 48 hours before the apparition of symptoms or before the sample collection for the diagnosis. The obligation is set to safeguard the health of the people of your workplace through the enactment of the appropriate preventive measures.

    It’s not necessary to send the notification to covid@uv.es in other isolation cases, for example, if you’re in quarantine as a consequence of being in close contact with a positive individual, or if you’ve been diagnosed with the virus, but haven’t been in UV buildings in the specified period

  • I am part of a vulnerable group, do I need to take any special care?

    If you are part of a vulnerable group* in relation to COVID-19 and you have doubts about the specific protection measures, contact the Covid person in charge of your centre, who will pass the query to the Health and Safety and the Environment Service, if the person in charge considers it appropriate. In general, hand hygiene measures, distance and the use of FFP2 masks are very effective.

    *People over 60 years of age, pregnant women and immunocompromised people in general.

  • What procedure does UV follow when a communication is received at covid@uv.es? How can I facilitate this process?

    When a case of infection is confirmed, the UV works with the health authorities to identify and inform possible close contacts within the university community. The aim of this collaboration is to act as quickly as possible to prevent the spread of infection among members of the university community and to take additional measures in the event of an outbreak.

    To facilitate this work, in the event of a confirmed case of infection, you should:

    • If you know of close contacts according to the above definition, anticipate them by indicating to the identified staff or students that they should contact their health centre and should not come to the university until they receive new indications.
    • Attend to basic queries using, for example, the frequently asked questions addressed to students and UV staff with which you should familiarise yourself. Only direct enquiries to covid@uv.es if it is a case of confirmed infection with a PCR test or a suspected case with symptoms that has been in the UV facilities since 48 hours before the start of the symptoms or sample collection for diagnosis.
    • Record your centre's confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection. The covid@uv.es staff will provide you with a copy of the initial communications with your centre's students so that you can be kept informed.
    • When there is more than one confirmed case in your centre, analyse if they are related (students from the same group or sharing the same classroom). If three or more cases are identified in the same group, the COVID reference person at the centre must immediately inform covid@uv.es for its possible classification as an outbreak. Likewise, the covid@uv.es team will keep you informed of any suspected outbreak.
    • If an outbreak is identified, it is up to the person in charge of COVID at the UV to propose the temporary suspension of the group's (or centre's) on-site activity (if it evolves into more than one group). You must follow their instructions and have available the list of names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of the people in the group or groups who have shared a classroom with the infected people, to speed up communication in these cases.